Places filling fast for opening events
The Corryong Golf Club has received strong interest in two events scheduled for the weekend of November 18 and 19 when the new synthetic greens will be officially opened ... Interest in the sport is growing with Corryong College students playing golf as part of this semester’s sport curriculum ...
Sports club enjoys bumper year
The Allora Sports Club President, Kev Harrison reported a fabulous result for 2023 at the club's Annual General Meeting held on Monday evening. At the best attended AGM in almost 10 years, Kev was ecstatic with the performance of all three club activities, namely golf, bowls and social functions.
From push to mighty mower
Who will ever forget the image of the Allora Golf Course voluntary groundsman Hethe Ramus mowing the first fairway by hand back in March 2022 ... Those days will be a distant memory for Hethe with the Golf Club today taking delivery of a brand new Kubota Baroness Gang Mower ...
Six of the best
Following the installation of synthetic greens and associated groundworks, the Corryong club has opened its first six holes for social play.While grass is being established around the perimeters of the greens a three-metre Ground Under Repair (GUR) zone will apply.
Golfing in the dark
Organised by Matt Clark, approximately 25 keen golfers enjoyed a barbecue to start off their night golf game, in Donald ... Strategically placed flashing green markers along the center of the fairways, pink markers around the scrapes, a green marker at the top of the flag stick with two pink markers mid-way down ...
Charlton ladies’ golf winds down
Eleven jazzed up ladies fronted in their eclectic outfits to play a 9-hole Pinehurst closing day game. President Pat welcomed players and thanked the club for a successful year this being her last official duty.
Businesses set to tee off for Corporate Golf Day
Barkly businesses are preparing for a big afternoon of golf for the annual Tennant Creek Corporate Golf Day. Sponsored by Barkly Regional Council, the NT Chamber of Commerce event will tee off from 11am.
Nhill Golf Club hosted school golf tournament
Shane Grover. On Tuesday 20th June 2023 Nhill Golf Club hosted the Golf Australia Nhill Primary School Tournament ... 30 students were selected by travelling Golf Pro Tony Collier from Dimboola Primary, St. Peters Dimboola, Nhill Lutheran, St. Patrick's Nhill and Nhill College.
Down the middle?
On Wednesday thirteen ladies contested the second round of the Donald Golf Club Championship, sponsored by Love Shack Gifts ... “Grant me the serenity to accept the shots I miss, the courage to try again and the wisdom not to throw my clubs in the dam.”
Easter Hole-in-One
Bob Briggs. Participation in this year’s Hole-in-One had been eagerly awaited by many golfers as a major event within Maldon’s Easter Fair Program. Many visitors to Maldon during the Easter period are regular competitors and great supporters of this very enjoyable activity at the Maldon Golf Club.
Tatt and Spitty take top titles at the 50th Golfanza
After winning in 2022, both Ben Tatt and Olive Spitty have defended their Northern Victorian Triple Golfanza Championships played at Cohuna on Saturday, Barham on Sunday, and culminating with the final round at Kerang on Monday. The 50th staging of this prestigious event saw a full field playing at both Cohuna and Kerang, with the rolling start at Barham having 170 players participate.
Getting in the swing
The Corryong Golf Club hosted its first ‘Get Women into Golf’ session on Saturday morning with instruction being given by Albury-based coach, Penny Graeber (pictured showing Belinda McKimmie the ropes) and assisted by local golfers.
Our day – We salute our local heroes
Local people and organisations were recognised for their community service at breakfast ceremonies in towns across the Towong Shire on Australia Day ... The joint Citizens of the Year are former Corryong pharmacists, Catherine and Stewart Ross, who have had a long involvement in community affairs ... Local cafè owner, Stuart Spratt, was presented with a Special Recognition award ... Community Group of the Year award went to the supporters and committee members of the Corryong & District Memorial Hall and the RSL Hall ...
Three-year partnership with golf NSW a big hit for regional NSW: Toole, Henskens, Franklin
"We expect that these 51 strategically placed golf events over three years will attract more than 16,000 visitors to the host regions, injecting an estimated $13.5 million into the regional NSW economy": Minister for Tourism, Ben Franklin.
Yamba Golf Club’s high-tech $100k golf simulator
Rodney Stevens. Now there’s no excuse not to play a round at Yamba Golf and Country Club in even the most extreme weather after last week’s unveiling of a high-tech golf simulator which uses tournament technology to deliver a realistic golf experience. The only one of its kind on the Far North Coast, Yamba Golf Simulators Trackman facility uses radar technology used to track missiles to relay specific details of a golfers swing and ball contact to deliver high resolution 3D graphics.
Allora Golf Course celebrates 25th anniversary
The current Allora Golf Course will celebrate its 25th anniversary this year, with a golf day and BBQ planned for Sunday 2nd October. We say “current” because this golf course is actually the third one in Allora. The first Allora Golf Club was formed in June 1927 and the course opened in August 1927.
Junior golfers take on Narrandera course
It was a beautiful winter’s day when Narrandera Golf Club hosted Juniors on the Move on Sunday August 21, with bright sunshine and no wind.
The Nullarbor Golf Challenge
Joan de Bondt. The Nullarbor Links Golf Course opened in 2009 ... an outstanding success, not just in Australia, but internationally... The unique course, an 18-hole par 72, is the longest in the world, spanning 1,365km with one or two holes in each participating town or roadhouse along the Eyre Highway.
Shared vision
cluBarham has finalised a 5-year strategic overview ... The 5-year strategic vision aim is to directly contribute to local population and tourism growth that will enhance the economic benefit to the community. ... “The main vision of it is really to focus on population growth and community support" : cluBarham CEO, Jason Wallace.
Brewer and Field go back-to-back in Goodline Weipa Open
Warren Brewer and Michelle Field have made it back-to-back wins in the Goodline Weipa Open after triumphing in the men’s and women’s divisions on the weekend.
Tatt and Spitty 2022 Golfanza Champions
Again, a successful northern Victorian Triple Golfanza held at Cohuna on Saturday, Barham on Sunday and Kerang on Monday, over the Labour Day long weekend. This was the 49th edition of the Triple Golfanza with plans for a big 50th anniversary next year. All the courses were in great shape and near capacity fields at each venue with 133 at Cohuna, 160 at Barham and 130 at Kerang.
Cohuna to world stage
Kirstin Nicholson. As the Cohuna Golf Club prepares for the Stuart Appleby Pro-Am next week, we talked with home grown hero, Stuart Appleby, about his journey from local Cohuna lad to household name and international golfing legend. It was when his parents took up golf that Stuart Appleby was introduced to the game. As a 14-year-old, he played cricket and football, but it was golf that caught his eye and stole his heart.
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