Is our burnt “Little Desert” beautiful?
John Williams. "The black clouds had been building up all day. It was going to be a dry storm and the air was full of heat and electricity. The rolling clouds tumbled over a solid layer of still air. You could hear the pods of the desert banksias popping as the temperature soared to 42 degrees ..."
Booligal buys back its church
Financial support is sought to help the community of Booligal retain their beloved St Alban’s Church building. "The community is thrilled to announce that the Diocese has accepted our offer to purchase St Alban’s," spokesperson Alison Crossley said.
Horse ride highlights war history
A group of Light Horse enthusiasts will head off on a 700km trek next month to commemorate the birth and death of General Sir Harry Chauvel, one of Australia’s most distinguished and decorated army generals. A leg of the Chauvel Border Trail Ride will be from Cudgewa, over Keelangie and on to Tallangatta, recognising the journey men and horses from the Upper Murray took to serve in WWI.
Who’s the Kyogle Olympian who once punched above his weight?
Brett McNamara. They say that you can’t be what you can’t see. For a small country town Kyogle punches above its weight when it comes to sporting talent, achieving greatness and inspiring the next generation ... One treasured piece is a framed piece of Olympic history – Athol McQueen’s 1964 Tokyo Olympic Games blazer.
Significant regional tourism boost from World Heritage tentative listing of the Victorian Goldfields
The decision by the Australian Government to include the Victorian Goldfields on Australia’s World Heritage Tentative List after 35 years of advocacy, creates significant tourism, economic development and community benefits for a large part of regional Victoria covering 15 Local Council areas and their Visitor Economy Partnership regions.
“Hands off our church!” Booligal’s Anglican congregation vows to fight for their historic church building
The community of Booligal provided the money to build St Alban’s Anglican Church in 1899 with the help of a bequest, and have maintained it for more than a century. Now the Diocese wants to sell it and there are fears the meticulously kept building could become a hunting lodge for pig shooters.
Cargill keeps contributing
Once again, the “Cargill Cares Cropping for the Birchip Community” program has come to the rescue of the Birchip Cemetery Trust.
World Heritage bid for Victorian Goldfields: Plibersek, Allan, Chesters, Kilkenny
Victoria’s Goldfields – home to the most extensive and best surviving goldrush landscapes in the world – has ... been added to Australia’s World Heritage Tentative List. This is the first formal step on the path to World Heritage status, celebrating the extraordinary history, culture, and heritage of Victoria’s goldrush era.
Three decades of Heritage Weekend success
Glyn Rees. With a last puff from a machine exhaust the 2025 and 30th Allora Heritage Weekend chuffed out late Sunday afternoon after the final Grand Parade signalling the end of another amazingly successful event highlighting history from a past era and the Australia Day weekend on the Southern Downs.
Quamby Heritage Day
Quambatook was busy over the Australia Day long weekend as farm machinery enthusiasts of all ages descended on the town, travelling hundreds of kilometres to view, and in some cases, bring their own machines to display at the Quambatook Heritage Machinery Association’s Harvest Working Machinery Display and Vintage Tractor Pull.
New book celebrates the Modern Merino
Heather Fleming. A new book detailing the story of the Modern Merino sheep in Australia was launched at the Grampians Estate Cellar Door at Great Western last weekend. "Collinsville and Beyond: a pastoral history of the Modern Merino," was written by Chris Guthrie, well known breeder, classer and consultant from Rich Avon, near Donald.
Heritage Weekend blasts off!
The Allora Heritage Weekend is on again this Saturday 25th and Sunday 26th ... For the two days there’ll be continuous action with displays and demonstrations of vintage and veteran cars and trucks, motorcycles, historical machinery, stationary engines and many interesting antiques.
Visions of Tomorrow
This February, the Wycheproof Railway Station will transform into a space of storytelling, healing, and connection as part of the “Visions of Tomorrow” workshops and exhibition. Guided by Gunditjmara and Wotjobaluk artist Tanisha Lovett and Barkindji Ngiyampaa Maligundidj artist Tracy Wise, the “Visions of Tomorrow” initiative provides up to ten participants with an opportunity to explore artistic traditions, reflecting on their own connections and local history.
Railway seeks help after theft
The Victorian Goldfields Railway (VGR) is asking the public for assistance to find stolen vintage equipment and will be sourcing funds after a devastating break-in last week. Castlemaine Police were called out to Muckleford Station after a VGR volunteer worker discovered the theft of equipment and railway fittings worth hundreds of thousands of dollars...
Quamby farm heritage comes to life
This weekend the Quamatook Tractor Pull Complex will be a hive of activity as farm machinery from yesteryear is fired up to work as the Quambatook Heritage Working Machinery Association holds their annual harvest working days event ...
Meet the moving church – one hundred years on
This story starts in about 1880 when the residents of the small rural community of East Laen, about 10km southwest of Donald, decided to build themselves a Methodist Church. Not much is known about this Church, but we can assume that it was a small wooden building, probably with a galvanised iron roof.
Edithburgh beacon waits on world heritage listing
Rachel Hagan. A little island off the coast of Edithburgh is about to be in the World Heritage spotlight, and locals hope this will be a catalyst to get more funding to properly care for it.
Cleared for take-off?
Check the thermometer and smile, if you are a glider pilot, that is: Central Australia in summer is the world’s best place for flying without an engine. It’s Alice where world distance and speed records have been set for decades.
Summer timetable: On track!
It is a sensational time of year to enjoy a trip on the heritage train between Maldon and Castlemaine and adjustments have been made to ensure maximum safety for passengers and residents ... Dolphina Truter and Paul Carnes from Ballarat enjoyed a ride in First Class last weekend as a spur-of-the-moment outing and both were full of praise for the experience.
Refreshed 2025
Maldon’s historic postbox has had a lick of lovely fresh paint and it seems like the perfect symbol of renewal to say: Happy New Year! But the inspiring story of how the pillar box came to be painted by Mick Slocum OAM also speaks of regeneration and rejuvenation at any time and any age.
Wiregrass mural launch
Over fifty people gathered on Friday to celebrate the pop-up launch of the Wiregrass mural at the Kaniva Post Office. The mural depicts townsfolk queuing at the Post Office—a scene that celebrates the spirit of rural life when such places were essential for keeping communities connected.
2024 Churchill Fellowship recipient: Jo Wills
In this interview with ARR.News, Jo Wills shares some insights into museum practices that can inspire and inform the sustainability of museums in regional Australia.
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