Wednesday, February 19, 2025


Poultry and eggs

Poultry pathogen research to crack kinky back: AgriFutures Australia

A new CQUniversity (CQU) led research project is addressing a fast-spreading pathogen that’s ruffling feathers across the Australian poultry industry. Enterococcus cecorum (EC) is a contagious microorganism that causes severe health issues in birds.

Seafood leads global protein production growth – Rabobank Global Animal Protein Outlook 2025

In 2025, economic conditions, geopolitics, and supply availability will significantly influence global animal protein markets, according to RaboResearch’s Global Animal Protein Outlook. While demand remains vulnerable to macroeconomic fluctuations and policy changes, seafood is poised to surpass poultry...

The Riverland’s scramble for eggs

Madison Eastmond. Riverland consumers are currently facing empty egg shelves and purchase limits as shortages continue to impact major supermarkets. Glenview Poultry Farm owner and South Australian and Tasmanian director of Egg Farmers of Australia, Darren Letton, told The Murray Pioneer the shortages are due to a range of consumer, governmental, and environmental factors.

Fire exposes risk of chicken farm waste

The management, storage and disposal of farm waste products has become a focus after residents reportedly discovered a smouldering fire in a chicken litter stockpile last week. A resident in the Baringhup/Carisbrook area says they discovered evidence of self-combustion in a pile of chicken farm waste following a day of Total Fire Ban in the district, expressing concern that it could happen again.

The WA Minister has learnt nothing from the live export debate

Has our State Minister for Agriculture learnt nothing from the live export debate? ... So, what’s next if Jackie Jarvis ends up as WA Minister for Agriculture after the next election - imposing bans on intensive piggeries, dairy calves, long distance transport of livestock, live export of cattle?

2024 Churchill Fellowship recipient: Henry Tan

Henry Tan discusses with ARR.News his project to identify effective food safety and biosecurity risk controls in the production, and processing of chicken meat that will result in a reduction of consumer exposure to Campylobacter, the leading cause of foodborne illness in Australia.

Engagement up for Ingham’s following Farm to Fork with Manu as campaign wraps

Hundreds of thousands of people around Australia followed Farm to Fork with Manu – a digital mini-series campaign by Ingham’s - taking a peek behind the scenes in our country’s poultry farming and processing industry to see how our nation’s top-selling meat-protein, chicken, makes its way from the farm to your fork.

Gingin egg producers fined in Perth court

The operators of two chicken farms in the Shire of Gingin have been fined for mishandling waste at their egg farming operations in contravention of conditions imposed in an environmental protection notice issued by the Department of Water and Environmental Regulation. CCF Cocking Children Farms and CF Farms (formerly Snowdale Holdings) own two parcels of land in Beermullah, in the Shire of Gingin, on which commercial egg farming operations are conducted.

More action needed to combat avian influenza risk: VFF

The Victorian Farmers Federation (VFF) says more needs to be done now to prepare Victorian farmers for the potential arrival of the H5N1 strain of avian influenza, which has the ability to devastate Victoria’s poultry industry and native wildlife … additional urgent action to bolster biosecurity measures to protect the state's poultry farmers and broader agricultural sector is required and everyone has a role to play.

Biosecurity Week focusses on avian influenza: DAFF

As Australia recovers from its most significant avian disease incident in 50 years, attention has turned towards preparing for the next possible avian influenza outbreak – a more virulent strain that has caused deaths in poultry and wild birds and mammals across the globe ... Australia is the only continent currently free of the new strain, H5 HPAI. Vigilance will be key to monitoring and understanding the spread of H5 HPAI if it were to arrive on our shores.

Bird (flu) is the word

Hugh Schuitemaker. A Senior Riverland politician says the State Government needs increased preparation against potential bird flu outbreaks in South Australia. Riverland-based MLC, and opposition spokesperson for regional SA, Nicola Centofanti has claimed documents obtained through a Freedom of Information request revealed "no official correspondence" between Minister for Primary Industries and Regional Development Clare Scriven and the state’s chief veterinary officer (CVO) regarding the threat of H7 HPAI bird flu between May and July.

Goolgowi chook farm goes off-grid in Australian first  

Australia’s largest off-grid poultry farm has commenced operations near Goolgowi. Operated by Agright, a commercial poultry grower in Australia and New Zealand, the 40 shed operation ‘Meriki’ claims to be saving more than 1690 tonnes of carbon dioxide annually.

Growing enthusiasm for emu products, says Lockhart producer

Lockhart Shire’s Marrocka Emus has been collaborating with other emus farms and Charles Sturt University to develop new emu oils with huge health benefits to humans as well as the further development of the farms as agritourism experience for visiting groups. Marrocka Emu farm was first purchased as a vacant block of land in 1991 by its current owners Ian and Marilyn Marston.  

Special update – Avian influenza identified in Victoria: Animal Health Australia

We wanted to ensure you had the most accurate and up to date information as it comes to hand on the avian influenza incident in Victoria: On 22 May 2024, Agriculture Victoria confirmed a detection of high pathogenicity avian influenza (HPAI) H7N3 in poultry on a caged, barn, and free-range production egg farm in Meredith, Victoria.

Chicken code crucial to protect farmers: NSW Farmers Association

A mandatory code of conduct is urgently needed to protect chicken meat farmers from market power abuse at the hands of processors, an industry report has found ... “The message from poultry farmers was clear: there is little to no choice in processors, growing contract terms are unfair, and there is a deliberate undermining of collective bargaining efforts within the supply chain”: NSW Farmers Poultry Meat Manager David Banham.

Final report concludes mandatory code only way to address poultry sector issues: NFF

The National Farmers’ Federation ... released its final report towards creating greater market transparency and competition in the poultry meat sector, following concerns raised by growers and the competition watchdog. In 2020 the ACCC’s Perishable Agricultural Goods Inquiry highlighted significant concerns about practices in the Australian poultry meat supply chain...

Supreme grand champion

Shaunn Jannusch of Westbrook was awarded Supreme Grand Champion Fowl of the 2023 Royal Brisbane Exhibition Show, out of 1417 entries. He was awarded Grand Champion Waterfowl, Champion Heavy Waterfowl and Champion Pekin with his Pekin Duck.

Chicken welfare top of the pecking order for the 2023 AgriFutures Research Awards

A groundbreaking animal growth and welfare monitoring, detection and notification system has been awarded the annual AgriFutures Research Award for 2023 ... the runner up, DryRice research, focused on enhancing rice genotypes and ensuring sustainable development in the rice industry.

How a chicken defeated pigs and cows in Ukraine

Ukrainian chicken producers have made a good marketing move. Thanks to this, the retail price of boneless chicken meat is about US$3 for one kilo. This is the most affordable meat in Ukraine. Beef and pork producers have yet to strike back ... Private entrepreneur Lyudmila Koloshko speaks about how profitable it is to sell "Leg meat".

Uncertainty remains for Queensland caged egg producers: QFF

The Queensland Farmers’ Federation (QFF) and Queensland United Egg Producers (QUEP) are carefully considering the ministerial endorsement of a national update to the Australian Animal Welfare Standards and Guidelines for Poultry (S&G) following a joint meeting of the federal and all state agriculture ministers in Perth last week ... As part of the update to the S&G, conventional cage egg production will be phased out, with each state left to decide the timeframe for this transition.

2900 quarantine turkey poults nearly ready to fly the coop: DAFF

Australia’s state-of-the-art avian quarantine facility is filling the role of midwife to nearly 3000 turkey poults in Victoria. The team at the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry’s Post Entry Quarantine (PEQ) facility in Mickleham together with industry experts have nurtured 2900 turkey eggs from Canada during their minimum 13-week quarantine period.

Luv-A-Duck plans for growth

Luv-A-Duck was founded by the late Art Shoppee back in 1968, when he started out with just 20 ducklings. Today it grows and supplies 5 million ducks annually for food service and retail markets within Australia and overseas ... To support the growth plans, current Family Directors, Theresa Sfetkidis and Kim Shoppee-Lynch, are in the final phase of choosing a business partner, to take a major stake in the business.

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