Monday, February 17, 2025


Federal politics

Pearce MHR’s health announcement

Pearce MHR Tracey Roberts has released a statement about her health saying she was recently diagnosed with multiple systems atrophy. “It is an illness that will pose some physical challenges to my mobility and speech,’’ she said.

Cressbrook Dam the no. 1 priority

Toowoomba Regional Council has requested support of up to $200 million for the Cressbrook Dam Safety Improvement Project (CDSIP) as its single highest priority in budget submissions to the State and Federal Governments. Toowoomba Region Mayor Geoff McDonald said water security is critical for the Region and a key focus of Council.

Albanese Government supporting and securing regional aviation: Albanese, King, Gallagher

The Albanese Government will work with the Administrators of Regional Express Holdings (Rex), as part of an upcoming competitive sale process, to ensure crucial regional aviation services continue beyond 30 June 2025. We will work with shortlisted bidders on what support the Albanese Government may be able to provide to maximise the prospect of a successful sale.

NSW regional airports set to fly high: King, McBain, Phillips

Airports are vital for regional communities, providing critical access to emergency healthcare, as well as commerce, industry, tourism and education. This funding, which is provided under Round 4 of the Regional Airports Program, will deliver essential upgrades – such as runway resurfacing, fencing, lighting and drainage...

Democracy failing regional Australia says agricultural leader

The NSW Government has been urged to show its commitment to regional NSW by backing a feasibility study into a community-supported water-saving project. Narrandera resident David Farley, who has spent time abroad developing water management strategies that support both the environment and agriculture, is calling on NSW Water Minister Rose Jackson to back a $1 million feasibility study for the Lake Coolah project.

Industry puts regulators on notice for pushing up price of food: NFF

The NFF Horticulture Council has today drawn a line in the sand, tasking national food safety regulators with taking a long hard look at themselves. Chair of the Council Jolyon Burnett has written to Commonwealth, State and Territory members of the Food Ministers’ Meeting, calling on them to instigate an independent review into the development and implementation of new food standards due to apply to fresh berries, leafy vegetables and melons from today.

North at the mercy of mother nature without Bradfield: KAP

The visionary Bradfield Scheme – which by design diverts excess floodwaters from the upper Tully, Herbert and Burdekin river systems – could have ameliorated the devastating 2025 North Queensland floods had it been built, Katter’s Australian Party (KAP) Leader and Traeger MP Robbie Katter has said.

Hard NO to cash mandate will do more harm than good

The Federal Government has published a proposal for a cash mandate that will only apply to a legislated list of “essential” goods and services and give express permission to more than 97 per cent of businesses in Australia to refuse to accept cash. Due to the restrictions and exemptions attached to this proposal, I cannot support it.

MLDRIN v the Commonwealth – The battle over the fractured rock water plan

First Nations environmental lobbying group Murray Lower Darling River Indigenous Nations (MLDRIN) is in the Federal Court today to challenge the decision by Minister Plibersek to accredit the NSW Fractured Rock Water Resource Plan (WRP) ... “We repeatedly advised the MDBA that the Fractured Rock Water Resource Plan should not be recommended for accreditation," Brendan Kennedy, Chair, MLDRIN, Tati Tati Nation member, said.

Legal aid copes with pressure

All Territory Aboriginal persons facing criminal charges since August last year received high quality legal representation unless they chose not to use the North Australian Aboriginal Justice Agency, or it had a conflict of interest. CEO Anthony Beven was responding to allegations made anonymously to the Alice Springs News that “there is more chaos at NAAJA”.

A use for carp

Roy Butler, Member for Barwon, tells us he visited a place run by Oceans2Earth. They make a product called Soil Enhancer. They mix fish waste and wood together to make a fertiliser. The man behind this is Tim Crane, originally from Wilcannia.

Significant regional tourism boost from World Heritage tentative listing of the Victorian Goldfields

The decision by the Australian Government to include the Victorian Goldfields on Australia’s World Heritage Tentative List after 35 years of advocacy, creates significant tourism, economic development and community benefits for a large part of regional Victoria covering 15 Local Council areas and their Visitor Economy Partnership regions.

Turning science to finance – New tool to help farmers tackle the climate challenge: CEFC, CSIRO

Australian farmers are set to tackle emissions from the ground up, with a free guide to develop and implement sustainable practices on farms. The Towards Net Zero Agriculture Pathfinder (Pathfinder), a joint initiative by the Clean Energy Finance Corporation (CEFC) and CSIRO, is a practical guide to help farmers reduce greenhouse gas emissions while maintaining productivity and competitiveness.

“Listen to the public”

An elected member of the Naracoorte Lucindale Council has criticised the council for disregarding public input gathered during consultation processes. Speaking exclusively to The [Naracoorte] News, Cr Craig McGuire claimed trust towards the elected body was “at an all-time low” with public consultation and feedback mostly ignored or dismissed if it did not fit the narrative of what parts of the elected council wanted to see.

Taking it to the streets

Following a meeting of representatives from councils across the border region in Wodonga last week, the decision was made to march on the Victorian Parliament in a united campaign for the construction of a new Albury-Wodonga hospital.

Powerline battle still strong

In an ironic twist that many joked could have conspiracy written all over it, last Monday’s Community Meeting in Murrabit, to discuss the VNI West transmission line project, at the Murrabit Golf Club, lost power just before the meeting commenced.

A nation united under one flag is worth celebrating

Senator Jacinta Nampijinpa Price. While Australia Day comes around every year with its debates about meaning and whether we can utter its name or not, this year feels different. Last year, the divisive voice referendum and abhorrent attack in Israel on October 7, 2023 were events still fresh in our minds. But this Australia Day, we have the lived experience of almost 15 months since those events.

Urban Channel Pipeline Project to benefit community

Murrumbidgee Irrigation (MI) is looking forward to kicking off the Urban Channel Pipeline Project this year, which will provide a range of benefits to the communities of Griffith and Leeton ... The project is designed to replace inefficient aging channels around Griffith and Leeton with 47.5 kilometres of new pipeline.

United Arab Emirates trade deal – public hearing: NFF

The opening statement by National Farmers’ Federation General Manager of Economics and Trade, Chris Young to the Joint Standing Committee on Treaties, holding a public hearing on the United Arab Emirates Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (UAE CEPA).

Regional Australia to get 10 new university study hubs: Clare, Chisholm

The Albanese Labor Government has announced the locations of 10 new Regional University Study Hubs across the country, bringing university closer to students living in the regions ... ARR.News found out more about the hubs, including their internet access and who is expected to be be running the new hubs.

Top-up sought to train butchers

Michelle Daw. A Moonta butcher has called for the Federal Government to top up apprentice wages to make them more appealing to young people. Rhys O’Donohue of Moonta Gourmet Meats has two apprentices and said he was always looking for more.

Farmers can now save twice by swapping to cost saving low emissions methods and machinery: Bowen, Collins

Farmers, agri-businesses and equipment purchasers are now eligible for discounted loans to help roll out a range of long-term cost savings initiatives that reduce emissions ... Discounts on interest rates of up to 1.15 per cent will be available to eligible borrowers through NAB under the new green asset finance investment program with the CEFC.    

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