Thursday, January 23, 2025

Alice Springs News

Established 1994.

Based in Alice Springs, Central Australia.

One of Australia’s oldest online newspapers, online since 1997.

Searchable archive going back to 1998.

Advertising opportunities.

Website with online news.

Latest articles

Cleared for take-off?

Erwin Chlanda, Alice Springs News
History & heritage
Check the thermometer and smile, if you are a glider pilot, that is: Central Australia in summer is the world’s best place for flying without an engine. It’s Alice where world distance and speed records have been set for decades.

Earlier articles

How much gas talk is hot air?

Erwin Chlanda, Alice Springs News
Take out the hype and Beetaloo gas is a pretty thin project. The sub-basin, 900 km north of Alice Springs, is “estimated” to contain 500 trillion cubic feet of gas. The NT Government refers to this estimate as being “by industry”.

Saving Alice in 2025: it starts today

Erwin Chlanda, Alice Springs News
My journalistic work in the Territory began early on Christmas Day 1974, looking down from the aircraft of Deputy Prime Minister Jim Cairns onto the Northern Territory capital that had been all but annihilated by Cyclone Tracy.

Youth crime kept in the shadow

Erwin Chlanda, Alice Springs News
The public isn’t going to learn much from official channels about the bashing – alleged – with a blunt weapon of a two months old infant, inflicting serious head injuries. Because the accused are under 18 we will not learn their names ... The known facts in this case are limited to the media release by the police ...
Youth crime

Tourism started as a do-it-yourself venture

Erwin Chlanda, Alice Springs News
History & heritage
Keith Castle, now aged 93, was one of the most influential figures in The Centre’s budding tourism industry. Editor Erwin Chlanda picked some gems from his 164 page memoir about the people who devoted their lives to developing the region’s visitor industry. They are only a handful of men and women but they all had skin in the game ... Governments barely get a mention.

DIY welfare group puts numbers to its proud record

Erwin Chlanda, Alice Springs News
The Ngaanyatjarra Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara Women’s Council is a bit of a mouthful, so just call them NPY and be amazed at its achievements since 1980, spreading across 350,000 square kilometres in the south-west of the NT, the Top End of SA and a big patch of eastern WA ... As the airwaves are full of talking from politicians, activists and coroners, mostly about dollar figures with lots of zeros, Alice Springs based NPY is putting real numbers to its accomplishments in 2024.

Alice Springs News articles

The Alice Springs News is in its 29th year of publication, and with the closure of the Murdoch Centralian Advocate in 2020 we are the only local newspaper in Central Australia.

We are redesigning our editorial focus from daily and brief reports to long form journalism focussing on background, analysis and investigation of our region’s major issues. For this we are assembling a team of writers, some long-term contributors, some new.

Our seven million word online archive goes back to 1998, is fully searchable and available 24/7.
Copies of earlier print editions are available in libraries.

Readers are continuing to send us comments or information for publication (see the right-hand column on our front page).
We are a platform for civilised and fearless debate.

Our previous peak circulation was 22,000 individual readers a month making 90,000 page views.
We’ve published some 26,000 readers’ comments since 2011.

We are one of Australia’s oldest online newspapers. 

We founded the News as a print edition in 1994 as the largest circulation independent newspaper in the Northern Territory of Australia.

Editor Erwin Chlanda and Chief Reporter Kieran Finnane have together 70 years of reporting from and in Central Australia for local, national and international media in television and newspapers.

We strictly comply with the Journalistic Code of Ethics.

If you would like to support our independent journalism – since 1997 online – you can contribute by clicking here …
Become a supporter

Our generous supporters help us to cover our expenses and expand our reporting on topics that matter.
The Alice Springs News is still free, and offers outstanding advertising opportunities.
The publication manager is Media Choice, Alice Springs, Australia.


Phone our news office at  0418 890040 or email
Snail mail: PO Box 1613 Alice Springs NT 0871.

Editor: Erwin Chlanda

Our “patch” is an area of a million square kilometres; 30% of the population is Aboriginal.
Like all our followers they read us on their mobile phones and tablets or other devices.

We also have a significant readership interstate and overseas.


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