Thursday, February 20, 2025



Webinar: What was is like on the fireground in LA, what are the scientific implications and could an LA-style bushfire happen in Australia?

Join this special February Hazardous Webinar to discuss the lessons we can take so far from the devastating Los Angeles (LA) bushfires and what they mean for Australia. The webinar is bought to you by Natural Hazards Research Australia and AFAC.

Webinar: Planting trees on farm – implications for biodiversity, 25 September 2024

How does planting native tree species impact on farm-level biodiversity? With funding from MLA, AWI and several other partners, the "Sustainable Pathways to CN30" project team are examining this question via co-development of farm systems interventions for reducing greenhouse gas emissions while improving productivity, profitability and biodiversity.

Hazardous webinar: Students in fire research showcase

In this webinar, you will hear about three PhD research projects covering bushfire smoke and eye health, remote sensing and machine learning to predict forest fire spread, and collaborative and adaptive fire risk-reduction.

The risks of lithium battery powered devices such as electric vehicles, e-bikes and e-scooters and small home devices for Strata communities: OCN

The increase in popularity of lithium-ion battery powered devices such as e-bikes and e-scooters and small home devices has some far reaching implications for managing fire risk in strata communities ... Owners Corporation Network is holding a webinar on 15 February ...

Financial support available for primary producers in extreme weather aftermath: QFVG

Summer 2023/4 has proven to be volatile for Queensland growers ... Growcom, the project delivery arm of the Queensland Fruit & Vegetable Growers (QFVG), in conjunction with the Queensland Rural and Industry Development Authority (QRIDA), will host a webinar this coming Friday, 19 January to help primary producers recover from these events.

Prepare for El Niño

With a possible El Niño on the cards, Farmers for Climate Action is urging farmers to get on the front foot. Farmers for Climate Action spokesperson Peter Holding, who farms at Harden, NSW, said many farmers were concerned about the possibility of warmer, drier conditions and increased weather variability for eastern Australia this spring and summer.

Webinar – Regional innovations, global connections, 12 July 2023

As Australia looks towards exploring new export markets, the MENA region presents a wealth of trading and investment potential for Australian regional businesses.

Webinar series: Understanding the Black Summer bushfires through research: Natural Hazards Research Australia

Science is shaping how Australia can better prepare for devastating bushfire seasons. In January, Natural Hazards Research Australia published its report on the 2019-20 bushfire season,  Understanding the Black Summer bushfires through research.

Webinar: Trends, challenges, and future perspectives for floating offshore wind turbine development, 1 September 2022

Offshore wind turbines are getting bigger every year, a trend that already helps offshore wind reduce costs all over the world. Whilst recent research suggests that costs will continue to dip as wind turbines get bigger and are deployed further offshore, the challenges to the design of the floating platform that supports the wind turbine increase.

Latest biosecurity webinar out now: MLA

Livestock producers wanting practical information and tools to better manage their on-farm biosecurity are invited to watch the latest industry webinar update now available. This webinar was held last Tuesday 9 August and continues a collaborative cross-industry approach as the Australian livestock industry works together to keep  lumpy skin disease (LSD) and foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) out of the country.  

Next industry webinar coming 24 August: MLA

The third instalment of an industry webinar series providing updates on foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) as well as lumpy skin disease (LSD) is set to be held next Wednesday 24 August ... The webinar continues a collaborative cross-industry approach as the Australian livestock industry works together to keep  LSD and FMD out of the country.  

Industry webinar on FMD and LSD, 20 July 2022

Learn more about Foot & Mouth Disease/ Lumpy Skin Disease + Q&A

Webinar replay: Meet Carbon Count – carbon farming made easy, fast and profitable

Our end–to–end carbon farming project management software is growing in capabilities and global reach! View the webinar recording.

Webinar: Meet Carbon Count – carbon farming made easy, fast and profitable, 23 June 2022

Join us to learn  how to design and deliver carbon projects with Carbon Count and produce  verifiable, high–quality carbon credits!

AACI and Global Victoria Trade Alliance Program: Mildura, 21 June 2022

Promoting export opportunities across the Middle East & North Africa (MENA) to regional Victoria producers and exporters. Australia Arab Chamber of Commerce and Industry (AACCI) is the proud partner of the Global Victoria Trade Alliance Program being delivered across five regional centres in Victoria.

Koalas: How threatened? Threatened how?

The Australian Rural & Regional News webinar held on 21 April 2022 is now available for public viewing.

Koalas: How threatened? Threatened how? Webinar, 21 April 2022

Speakers: Emeritus Professor Helene Marsh FAA FTSE, Chair of the Threatened Species Scientific Committee; Cheyne Flanagan, Port Macquarie Koala Hospital; Audrey Koosmen, Hunter Wildlife Rescue; Vic Jurskis, Ecologist and Author; Peter Rutherford, Forest Scientist, South East Timber Association.

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