New Release
First Nations guide for Riverland floodplains
Madison Eastmond. The Department for Environment and Water (DEW) have collaborated with First Peoples of the River Murray and Mallee Region (FPRMMR) to develop a field guide on the plants and cultural significance of Riverland floodplains.
Twitchers get a good guide
A new pictorial guide to wetland birds of north-east Victoria is now available to help for people to get to know their local birdlife. There are 52 species of wetland birds featured in the guide including 14 threatened species.
New book celebrates the Modern Merino
Heather Fleming. A new book detailing the story of the Modern Merino sheep in Australia was launched at the Grampians Estate Cellar Door at Great Western last weekend. "Collinsville and Beyond: a pastoral history of the Modern Merino," was written by Chris Guthrie, well known breeder, classer and consultant from Rich Avon, near Donald.
New release – Paul Simons: His Remarkable Life on Land and Sea
Born in Wales, Paul spent his early childhood years amidst the rigours of the Great Depression... A career in the British Merchant Navy took him to all corners of the globe ... Settling in Australia, he took a job at the bottom of the rung of Woolworths, rising through the ranks to become perhaps its most successful CEO. When retirement should have beckoned, a third career as a Superfine Merino woolgrower has occupied Paul to the present day.
Prof Milburn brings local tales to life: Turning pages telling stories
In a celebration of community and creativity, Prof Milburn prepares to launch his book, capturing the heart and history of Wycheproof. After many years of diligently researching the history of Wycheproof and the district, Allan ‘Prof’ Milburn thought it was time to share all the stories from his journey.
Angourie local Monty Webber’s autobiography launch
Angourie local and Australian surfing legend Monty Webber has lived a full and colourful life that he has documented in his Autobiography Is the Moon the Sun? – The Autobiography of a Time Rich Experience Junkie that will be officially launched at Yamba Cinema …
The biography of John Gunn
The biography of John Gunn is now published, titled Opportunity Makes the Man, The Labours of John Alexander Gunn—the only biography ever written about one of Australia’s greatest sons. Who was John Gunn? He was an Australian pastoralist who, in 1893, commenced using his own double-dose anthrax vaccine. His vaccine outperformed the vaccine of Louis Pasteur ...
New release – Growing Up Torres Strait Islander in Australia
What makes Zenadth Kes/Torres Strait unique? And what is it like to be a Torres Strait Islander in contemporary Australia? Growing Up Torres Strait Islander in Australia, compiled by poet and author Samantha Faulkner, showcases the distinct identity of Torres Strait Islanders through their diverse voices and journeys.
Explore the ARR.News Bookstore
Australians bought 69.8 million new books in 2023, 70.9 million in 2022, and 65.4 million in 2021. In a world where there is so much competition for our attention, Australians continue to read, and we continue to read books written by Australians. Now, you can access the books you want to read through the new ARR.News Bookstore.
Potted history of a revolution called Nimbin
Bursting with creativity and revolutionary ideas, a bunch of dreamers found shelter from the storm in Nimbin. Whether from pure madness or for the sake of love, the small rural town spawned a big movement. The new audiovisual book Out There chronicles 50 years of alternative revolution ...
Miffy & Mack in Maldon – Maldon book launch
You’re invited to the launch of Miffy & Mack in Maldon - a book of cartoons for children of all ages by local resident Anita Sinclair. With the support of Maldon’s Athenaeum Library, Miffy and Mack will make their appearance at the Maldon Community Centre on Saturday 18 May, from 2pm to 4pm.
Leading by example in footy and in life
Michelle Daw. Lessons learned on the footy field that can be applied for success in all facets of life are being shared by high-achieving former footy player and coach Michael Wanganeen. Now chair of Nharangga Aboriginal Progress Association, Michael has released a book that draws on the lessons he learned through his illustrious football career, his trajectory from farmhand to agency manager, and the education he undertook to grow his skills and knowledge.
Serving country and community
The guest speaker at this year’s Anzac Day service in Corryong provided an insight into one man’s experience in WWI and his contribution to the local community upon his return. Michael Greenham spoke about his just-published book, ‘Devotion To Humanity’, detailing the life of his great-uncle and WWI veteran, Doctor/Captain David Peter Greenham. Doctor Greenham grew up in Dartmoor but spent almost all of his 30-year medical career in Corryong between the two World Wars.
You called an ambulance for what?
Kimberly Grabham. Tim Booth is the son of Lyn and Ken Booth, formerly of Hay. Tim has written a book, titled, You Called an Ambulance for What? ... details the crazy and curious reasons for people calling emergency services, and are situations he experienced while working as a paramedic in Sydney.
New release – The Outback Court Reporter
From the case of the stolen cat flap, to missing lollipops and exploding chocolate milk in a country supermarket, to a custody dispute over a camel - Jamelle Wells has seen the lighter and quirky side of outback courts but has also witnessed the harsh, dark, and petty side of outback life - including the high rates of Indigenous incarceration, alcohol-related and domestic violence.
Peta Credlin – proud of where she comes from
Remember that old saying, “You can take the girl out of the country, but you can’t take the country out of the girl”? Peta Credlin AO, host of the “Credlin” program on Sky News Australia, columnist with News Corp, and former Australian Liberal Party dynamo, amongst many other accolades, made a flying visit to Wycheproof over the recent long weekend.
Easter Bilby saves the day
What happens when a bush concert is facing cancellation, and how can Easter Bilby help? That’s the storyline in ‘Banjo Frog’s Concert Spectacular’, a new children’s book released by Foundation for Rabbit-Free Australia in conjunction with Wakefield Press.
New release – Dryandra Forest – a silvicultural history
Roger Underwood. There was an unusual event in Dryandra Forest in Western Australia in November 2023: a commemoration of 100 years of forestry management. At a large gathering in the forest, beneath the shade of a 100-year-old brown mallet plantation, speeches were made, a plaque unveiled, and this book on the history of the forest was launched.
Basin book aims to educate
A new book about the rivers and wetlands of the Murray-Darling Basin includes information about the Upper Murray and is now on its way to thousands of primary schools across Australia. Commissioned by the Jane Goodall Institute in London and Sydney, the book was written by the Petaurus Education Group in Albury-Wodonga.
Book chronicles history of bush footy
A book written by Greg Riach takes readers on a journey through the history of football in the western and southern districts of NSW from 1920-1976, encompassing groups 9, 10, 11, 14 and 15. Much of the content has been sourced from newspaper reports and photographs of players and teams ...
Silo art impacts local communities
Australian Geographic has announced the release of ‘Silo Art, Australia's Outdoor Art Revolution’, a visually stunning book that pays tribute to Australia’s silo art phenomenon and chronicles the transformation of Australia into an expansive outdoor art gallery. It features a comprehensive map detailing each silo, silo owner, and silo artist across Australia and locations of the street art, festivals, murals, and water tower art featured in the book.
Book traces growth from grass roots to iconic event
A new book launched by the Henty Machinery Field Days traces six decades of history from its early days to a grass roots event driven by farmers to its position as a global agricultural phenomenon. The 84-page coffee table style book was written by Henty Machinery Days Media Manager Kim Woods and launched at the official opening of the 60th anniversary event...
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