Friday, February 14, 2025



Bendigo Bank Agribusiness Insights: 2025 off to a strong start for Australian agricultural markets 

The latest Monthly Commodity Insights report from Bendigo Bank Agribusiness flags a strong start for Australian agricultural markets in 2025.

United Arab Emirates trade deal – public hearing: NFF

The opening statement by National Farmers’ Federation General Manager of Economics and Trade, Chris Young to the Joint Standing Committee on Treaties, holding a public hearing on the United Arab Emirates Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (UAE CEPA).

Seafood leads global protein production growth – Rabobank Global Animal Protein Outlook 2025

In 2025, economic conditions, geopolitics, and supply availability will significantly influence global animal protein markets, according to RaboResearch’s Global Animal Protein Outlook. While demand remains vulnerable to macroeconomic fluctuations and policy changes, seafood is poised to surpass poultry...

Law of Ukrainian agricultural exports: What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger

In 2024, Ukrainian agricultural exporters achieved impressive results. They sold goods worth US$24.5b. This is the second best result in the entire history of Ukrainian agriculture. The victory was achieved despite many problems and thanks to intensive improvement of agriculture. The war became the main driver of competitiveness for Ukrainian farmers.

Top global trends impacting Australian food and agri to 2030: Rabobank

Changed eating patterns due to the rising use of anti-obesity drugs, a shift towards in-home alcohol consumption and increasing demand for dairy products tailored to older consumers are among some of the top global trends in food and agri set to be felt in Australia in the next five years, according to a new series of podcasts from Rabobank.

Organic success from wine exit

Christine Webster. Riverland West certified organic horticulturist Bruce Armstrong is creating a niche market for his produce supplying wholesalers and customers in Adelaide, Melbourne, and the region ... "It usually took about 12 to 18 months to make an income from the organic wine, and this is why we started growing the organic vegetables," Mr Armstrong said.

Record for Australian red meat exports in 2024

Last year was the largest year for red meat exports in history, with records set for beef, lamb, mutton and goatmeat, according to Meat & Livestock Australia (MLA). In 2024, Australia exported 2.24 million tonnes of red meat to 104 countries, representing the largest volume of red meat ever exported.

$7.2 billion for a new Kwinana port

On November 11 last year the WA Premier all but confirmed the project will go ahead. The only question is how much the Feds will stump up and how much influence will the unions have on the final design.

Refreshed 2025

Maldon’s historic postbox has had a lick of lovely fresh paint and it seems like the perfect symbol of renewal to say: Happy New Year! But the inspiring story of how the pillar box came to be painted by Mick Slocum OAM also speaks of regeneration and rejuvenation at any time and any age.

New levies legislation makes obligations clearer: DAFF

New and improved agricultural levies legislation will replace the existing framework next year, making the levy system more user friendly for participants and making it easier for them to understand their obligations. More than 50 pieces of legislation governing over 110 levies and charges – across 75 commodities and 18 bodies that receive levies – are being streamlined into five Acts and subordinate legislation.

‘Wilcannia community leader presents on the plight of the Baaka (Darling River) at the COP29 in Baku, Azerbaijan’

...Uncle Owen Whyman presented as part of an Indigenous panel at COP29 during the ‘United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change’ in Baku, Azerbaijan. Uncle Owen is a respected Wilcannia community leader, volunteer board member of the Indigenous Peoples’ Organisation, Chair of the Paroo-Darling National Park Co-management Committee, Deputy Chair of the Mutawintji National Park Board of Management, board member of North-Western Water Council, and founder and convenor of the Indigenous - Aboriginal Party of Australia (IAPA).

Riverland visit missing from China wine tour

Hugh Schuitemaker. Local senior politicians are feeling "left out in the cold" after Chinese wine buyers failed to make a direct visit to the Riverland during a South Australian tour. The State Government last week hosted a delegation of Chinese wine buyers that visited regions including the Barossa Valley, McLaren Vale and Clare Valley. Chaffey MP Tim Whetstone said the value of Riverland wine to the state’s economy meant the region should have featured in the tour.

Global beef markets to navigate declining production and uncertainty in 2025: Rabobank

Herd contraction in the world’s four largest beef-producing nations – the US, Brazil, China and Europe – is expected to lead to the first reduction in global beef supply since the Covid-19 pandemic, altering trade flows in the year ahead, Rabobank says in a recently-released research report. In its latest (Q4) Global Beef Quarterly, titled Navigating declining global production, uncertainty in 2025 … Brazil and the US are likely to lead declines in beef production next year.

Global dairy market – Further milk supply growth and farmer margin gains expected in 2025: Rabobank

A new RaboResearch report expects milk supply growth from the biggest exporting regions in the second half of 2024. Growth is expected to continue into 2025, with gains anticipated in all major regions for the first time since 2020.

From paddock to plate purgatory: Why Jim Chalmers’ Future Fund should keep the sheep

In his latest attempt to channel Australia’s wealth into government-approved projects, Chalmers announced plans to steer the Future Fund toward housing and renewables, claiming these priorities will secure both national prosperity and a moral high ground. But if the Treasurer is serious about backing industries with real potential, it’s time to herd the Future Fund into the sheep yards of Western Australia, where $200 million could establish a state-of-the-art abattoir to breathe life into a sector gasping under the weight of Canberra’s policy redirection.  

New sea container strategy to boost biosecurity in the Pacific: DAFF

A workshop in Fiji this month will seek to strengthen biosecurity in the Pacific by developing a new strategy to manage risks associated with sea container movements. The strategy aims to reduce the global spread of hitchhiker pests across the Pacific region via the sea container pathway.

Growth opportunities for Australian beef exports into South-East Asian markets – Rabobank

Australia has the opportunity to cement itself as one of the key beef suppliers into South- East Asian markets – as the appetite for beef continues to grow among the region’s consumers, according to agribusiness specialist Rabobank.

Singapore Sling – Government backs distillers’ Southeast Asian vision: Szakacs

Six South Australian businesses will take part in the delegation led by the industry’s peak body, Distillers SA, and will showcase their award-winning gin, whisky, brandy, vermouth and liqueurs for Singaporean importers and consumers at targeted business meetings, tasting events and site visits...

Cairns Group Farm Leaders Statement in advance of the 2024 United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP29): NFF, CGFL

The Cairns Group of Farm Leaders (CGFL) are a group of farm organisations from Cairns Group countries, a coalition of agricultural exporting countries. Together, we represent farmers that grow and produce over one third of the world's agricultural exports. It is our vision to create a world with an equitable and enforceable rules-based trading system in agriculture.

Cook Government promotes WA businesses on the global stage: Jarvis

Interested business are encouraged to submit an expression of interest to participate in any of five key trade exhibitions to be held in Asia and the Middle East in 2025. Food, beverage and hospitality events have proven to be a great avenue for WA businesses to showcase their products and establish trade relationships.

Make Our Farmers Great Again

Well, he’s back. This time, he’s not just set on “Making America Great Again,” but is doubling down with a pledge to “Make Our (American) Farmers Great Again.” But how, exactly, does he plan to pull this off? And should Aussie farmers brace for impact? A glance at Trump’s past as President, alongside his promises for the next four years, paints a picture that’s hard to ignore.

Rabobank commentary: Potential implications of US election result for Australian agriculture

While the wider implications of a new US administration under President Trump for Australian agriculture will only become apparent over time, there are a number of key watch factors for the sector, particularly for grains and oilseeds, Rabobank says in newly-released commentary.

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