Monday, February 17, 2025



New Tara Hospital welcomes first patients and the beginnings of modern accommodation for staff: Nicholls

The Crisafulli Government has officially opened the new Tara Hospital - and commenced work on new staff accommodation - reinforcing its commitment to delivering easier access to health services in rural and regional Queensland.

Pearce MHR’s health announcement

Pearce MHR Tracey Roberts has released a statement about her health saying she was recently diagnosed with multiple systems atrophy. “It is an illness that will pose some physical challenges to my mobility and speech,’’ she said.

Murray MP calls for split from Murrumbidgee Health

Addressing NSW Parliament on Thursday the independent member said MLHD has "failed communities." ... "For too long, MLHD has failed our communities- and has not followed through on a number of issues such as the two orthopaedic surgeons that were promised in 2021.

Four generations of the Shooter family

The farm produce section at the Allora Show has been under the watchful eye of Shooter family members for the past 70 years. The 2025 Allora Show was a great opportunity for the family to meet in the Pavilion for a happy snap.

Unbreakable wheel rolls out across Buloke

Following his successful Paddock Run tour across Buloke Shire last year, Warren Davies – known as the Unbreakable Farmer – has re-launched his Unbreakable Wheel of Wellbeing in Wycheproof. The Unbreakable Wheel ... is now featured on posters and drink coasters distributed to local pubs and clubs across Buloke Shire.

Gathered for worship in Afrikaans

Rudi Schwartz ... Quite a few South African families settled in the district, of which quite a number are Afrikaans speaking. Most of them have already joined English churches. Yet, the yearning to gather to worship God in their mother tongue led them to arrange such a service.

Milestone for Kurrajong’s larrikin

Sean Cunningham. In today’s society where careers change often, 43 y/o John Howitt has proven that dedication, commitment and hard work can stand the test of time. Well-known in the Narrandera community, John recently celebrated an incredible milestone - 35 years of service at Kurrajong Recycling.

Councils shut out of hospital discussion

A decision by councils across the border region to march on the Victorian Parliament next week in a united campaign for the construction of a new Albury-Wodonga hospital has been put on hold, pending talks with the Minister for Health, Mary-Anne Thomas. The councils have previously rejected the proposal from the Victorian and NSW governments to redevelop the Albury hospital.

Barham childcare shortage

Barham is in the midst of a childcare shortage crisis, with a wait list of 90 at the Barham Early Learning Service alone, with 75 per cent aged in the 0-3 years old bracket. It is estimated that 45 per cent of the children in Barham, Koondrook, Moulamein and Wakool have been unable to be placed in a childcare facility.

Community crime crackdown

A former police officer, who was recently honoured in the 2025 Lismore Citizen of the Year awards for helping the community tackle the escalating crime problem, is bringing his innovative and effective approach to the Lower Clarence, holding a public meeting next month.

RHS parents kept in sex-talk loop

Hugh Schuitemaker. Families are being informed about contents of the upcoming 2025 sex education program at Renmark High School (RHS) ... The 2024 controversy – which saw year 9 RHS students exposed to the concepts of bestiality and incest without prior parental knowledge – surfaced again ...

Letters from Home #2/2025: The Blue Bee

February depresses me. So many things have gone wrong in Februarys past - apart from many other minor things it is always fire month and it was this coming week 11 years ago that we lost our home, many precious animals, my garden and after 20 years in a place I loved so much, we had to move.

Taking a moment for ourselves

The appetite for community art workshops continues to grow in Buloke, offering a much-needed escape from busy, always-on lifestyles ... In December, Charlton artist Bronwyn Fisher’s decoupage sessions in Nullawil and Nandaly attracted participants of all ages...

War on mozzies heats up

Michelle Daw. Barunga West Council has intensified pest control efforts after frustrated Fisherman Bay and Port Broughton residents reported this summer’s insect problem as the worst they have ever experienced ... “We didn’t move up here to spend summer in our house”: Robyn Lyons, Fisherman Bay.

Last chance to see

The Giant Russian Sunflowers at Donald’s Red Gate Community Garden are in the final days of their spectacular bloom. Measuring some four metres in height (that’s around 14ft in Red Gate parlance) with seedhead/flowers weighing in at around 2 kgs (4lbs?), they have been photographed many times by visitors passing through town and locals alike.

Wilcannia chosen for pilgrimage site

Sr Elizabeth Young. Our town was picked! This year, Pope Francis, the leader of the Roman Catholic Church, has called a 'Jubilee', which is an ancient practice every 50 or 25 years ... In this part of the Catholic world, Wilcannia (the whole town) has been chosen by Bishop Columba as a place of pilgrimage, along with Broken Hill Cathedral, Forbes and the Brewarrina Fish Traps.

‘Welcome to Australia – we’re all the same’

Welcome! This was the simple but profound message delivered by South East orthopaedic surgeon Dr Barney McCusker, the Naracoorte Lucindale Australia Day guest speaker. Welcoming the district’s new citizens, Dr McCusker said by coming to Australia – the great south land – they made the country richer, more colourful and a greater nation.

New farm fence signs raise awareness of wheel cactus threat

The Tarrangower Cactus Control Group (TCCG) has relaunched its Farm Fence Sign initiative to combat the ongoing Wheel Cactus problem in the region. Residents and visitors may have noticed updated Farm Fence Signs appearing across the area, reminding the community of the persistent threat posed by this invasive species.

Fire report

The local CFA teams are incredible: knowledgeable, brave and hardworking. The community is so fortunate to have them on standby during this period of extended hot weather, which is expected to continue for at least the next week.

Allora Show Patron, Dorothy Rubie

2025 marks the 62nd Allora Show for our Patron and Life Member, Mrs Dorothy Rubie. Dorothy commenced her journey as a volunteer with the Allora Show Society when she, her husband Harry and daughter Del, moved from Warwick to their new home in Allora in 1964.

Kara makes climb for kids

A former local is taking on Australia’s highest peak this weekend in support of young people with cerebral palsy. Kara Collins is participating in the annual Cerebral Palsy Alliance fundraising event - Krazy Kosci Klimb - where 16 young people with the neurological disorder and their team trek or wheel the 18kms up to the summit of Mt Kosciuszko and back again.

Taking it to the streets

Following a meeting of representatives from councils across the border region in Wodonga last week, the decision was made to march on the Victorian Parliament in a united campaign for the construction of a new Albury-Wodonga hospital.

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