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- Out now - Archive - April 2021
An alternative perspective to David Lindenmayer: South East Timber Association
Members of the South East Timber Association respectfully disagree with many of the assertions made by David Lindenmayer and have a few observations and questions relating to Professor Lindenmayer’s opinion. Kosciuszko State Park was established in 1944. Areas of the original dedication, now in Kosciuszko National Park (KNP), were either never harvested or last harvested more than 80 years ago ...
Australian barley production expected to grow despite global trade headwinds – Rabobank report
Australian barley production is forecast to lift by eight per cent to deliver 11.7 million tonnes in the 2024/25 season – while facing trade headwinds as Chinese buyers plan to focus on their own domestic market – according to new research from Rabobank.
Logging does indeed increase fire risks!: David Lindenmayer
Professor Lindenmayer responds to Robert Onfray's article, "Debunking false claims about bushfire risk and native logging in Australia" by contending that logging does indeed increase the risk of high severity wildfires, and the evidence for this worrying narrative comes from work by many scientists across Australia and in fact around the world.
Bendigo Bank Agribusiness Insights: 2025 off to a strong start for Australian agricultural markets
The latest Monthly Commodity Insights report from Bendigo Bank Agribusiness flags a strong start for Australian agricultural markets in 2025.
A complex, costly web: the regulatory burden on Australia’s regional businesses: Page Research Centre
The Page Research Centre, in collaboration with Adept Economics, has released a comprehensive new report shedding light on the severe economic and social consequences of regulatory inefficiencies in Australia.
Poultry pathogen research to crack kinky back: AgriFutures Australia
A new CQUniversity (CQU) led research project is addressing a fast-spreading pathogen that’s ruffling feathers across the Australian poultry industry. Enterococcus cecorum (EC) is a contagious microorganism that causes severe health issues in birds.
Buloke Times Editorial: Civic values, media use and affective polarisation
People who rely on social media as the main source of news score lower on a measure of civic values than people who rely on newspapers and non-commercial media for news and information, according to a study by researchers at Monash University ... "It has become something of a truism that social media is not great for democracy," said Professor Mark Andrejevic. "But no one has really systematically tested that until now."
Dung data to help improve herbivore distribution maps
Detailed livestock models are important for land-use planning, disaster relief and food insecurity. Their new study, recently published in Nature Food, reveals a strong positive relationship between dung presence and grazing pressure, meaning the amount of dung found in a particular location could help us understand approximately how many herbivores live there.
New book celebrates the Modern Merino
Heather Fleming. A new book detailing the story of the Modern Merino sheep in Australia was launched at the Grampians Estate Cellar Door at Great Western last weekend. "Collinsville and Beyond: a pastoral history of the Modern Merino," was written by Chris Guthrie, well known breeder, classer and consultant from Rich Avon, near Donald.
Seafood leads global protein production growth – Rabobank Global Animal Protein Outlook 2025
In 2025, economic conditions, geopolitics, and supply availability will significantly influence global animal protein markets, according to RaboResearch’s Global Animal Protein Outlook. While demand remains vulnerable to macroeconomic fluctuations and policy changes, seafood is poised to surpass poultry...
Investing in the future with busy beetles
Shaun Ossinger and his forward-thinking team at Wilson Inlet Catchment Committee have chosen to make an investment in the future by starting a very special Dung Beetle program with a very special species. Known as Bubas bubalus these beetles were originally imported from Europe by the CSIRO ...
He eats cockatoos for breakfast: Australia’s rarest bird of prey
Ecologist Tim Henderson has captured incredible photographs in Newhaven, west of Alice Springs, of the endangered Red Goshawk, the first time it’s been confirmed in the region for three decades. It was listed as endangered in 2023 and has gone extinct from most of eastern Australia.
Law of Ukrainian agricultural exports: What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger
In 2024, Ukrainian agricultural exporters achieved impressive results. They sold goods worth US$24.5b. This is the second best result in the entire history of Ukrainian agriculture. The victory was achieved despite many problems and thanks to intensive improvement of agriculture. The war became the main driver of competitiveness for Ukrainian farmers.
Top global trends impacting Australian food and agri to 2030: Rabobank
Changed eating patterns due to the rising use of anti-obesity drugs, a shift towards in-home alcohol consumption and increasing demand for dairy products tailored to older consumers are among some of the top global trends in food and agri set to be felt in Australia in the next five years, according to a new series of podcasts from Rabobank.
AI tool set to transform woodland bird conservation: Charles Sturt University
A new artificial intelligence (AI) tool is transforming woodland bird conservation in Australia with the help of a Charles Sturt University research team. As Australia’s woodland bird species face alarming declines, one of the biggest challenges to their conservation is simply detecting them.
New clean energy resource under our feet
A new report from Geoscience Australia, in collaboration with the Geological Survey of New South Wales, has found elevated levels of natural hydrogen and helium in locations throughout New South Wales.
Record for Australian red meat exports in 2024
Last year was the largest year for red meat exports in history, with records set for beef, lamb, mutton and goatmeat, according to Meat & Livestock Australia (MLA). In 2024, Australia exported 2.24 million tonnes of red meat to 104 countries, representing the largest volume of red meat ever exported.
Debunking false claims about bushfire risk and native forest logging in Australia
Robert Onfray critiques claims that native forest logging in Australia contributes significantly to increased bushfire risk. Some academics championed this idea, purporting to follow the scientific method, but often their work lacks scientific rigour. These claims have misled the public, skewing the debate around forest management, fire prevention, and the ecological role of logging.
Three earthquakes in 30 hours – rumbles in the Back Country
The rumbles began with a 2.6-magnitude quake, which struck just before midnight on Friday January 3. This was followed by a followed by a larger 4.1-magnitude quake at 2.50pm on Saturday afternoon and a 3.3-magnitude tremor at 5.30am Sunday morning.
New resources for ewe pregnancy scanning
Meat & Livestock Australia (MLA) and Australian Wool Innovation (AWI) have released a range of new resources to help producers scan and manage pregnant ewes. The new resources are the result of a multi-year coinvestment between MLA and AWI aimed to improve lamb survival and reproductive rates in the Australian sheep flock through better adoption of pregnancy scanning.
2024 Churchill Fellowship recipient: Jo Wills
In this interview with ARR.News, Jo Wills shares some insights into museum practices that can inspire and inform the sustainability of museums in regional Australia.
2024 Churchill Fellowship recipient: Henry Tan
Henry Tan discusses with ARR.News his project to identify effective food safety and biosecurity risk controls in the production, and processing of chicken meat that will result in a reduction of consumer exposure to Campylobacter, the leading cause of foodborne illness in Australia.
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