Sunday, September 8, 2024

The Regional

Independent news service for 37 per cent* of Australia’s population (and growing)

Online news

* Figures according to the Regional Australia Institute, Barton ACT


‘Legally binding’ ANZ Suncorp deal faces first test

ANZ chief executive Shayne Elliott made frequent mentions of “reputational risk” while giving evidence to the house standing committee investigating the big four banks in Canberra on Friday ... it is surprising that when asked about regional bank closures by commitee chairman Daniel Mulino he chose to withhold information about two branches in regional Australia that ANZ plans to close later this year.

Earlier articles

From the flamboyant to the fluffy, dressage gets its spring on

Spring is in the air and with the Olympic dressage watched and rewatched, inspiration has flourished. New, young horses and ponies are out and about in the dressage arenas all around the country. Boneo Park’s August competition held over two days had it all.

Phoebe fights back from injury to be part of team representing Australia

Phoebe Roche has been chosen as part of the eight-person team to compete at the 2024 Virtus Open European Equestrian Championships in the UK ... It's been a long road for Phoebe and her mother, Shaneen ... Shaneen sold her car and organised sausage sizzles and garage sales meaning Phoebe will be able to compete.

A win for the people as Australia’s banks finally go too far

Unable to turn their backs on disgraceful behaviour by the major banks over regional closures, a senate inquiry has lit a bomb under them. The pressure is now on the Prime Minister Anthony Albanese and his Minister for Financial Services Stephen Jones to accept all recommendations in full.

Battle on this weekend for a ticket to ride at Paris Olympics

The dressage world is bubbling with excitement with the Olympic Games just weeks away and the final CPEDI qualifier in Australia begins this weekend at the Hawkesbury Dressage Festival at the Sydney International Equestrian Centre. Once this is done, the selectors and EA high performance people will get their heads together to choose the teams.

When money changes hands, independence is out the window

At a media event to release the latest Regional Movers Index data, Commonwealth Bank representative Paul Fowler and Regional Australia Institute chief executive Liz Ritchie were asked three times why the branch was closing the same day as the Sunshine Coast was being celebrated as a rapidly-growing centre ... In 2021, acting RAI CEO Kim Houghton put in a submission to a taskforce that had more bankers on it than MPs but there was nothing from Ms Ritchie during the recent senate inquiry ...

Banks blow their chance to self-regulate by betraying trust

It may have taken 20 years but a Federal Government inquiry has finally made good on a warning that if the 'big four' banks did not improve their treatment of regional Australian customers, they would be stripped of the privilege to self-regulate. Many thought this day would never come but the most surprised must be the banks or they would have never behaved in the ways outlined in detail during a senate committee’s 15-month deep dive into the welfare and economic impacts of regional bank closures. 

Report signals party is over for Australia’s big four banks

Official recognition of banking as an essential service, the end of self-regulation of the banking industry and a pathway forward for the consideration of a new government bank are some of the key recommendations to come from a Senate inquiry into the impact of regional bank closures.


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The Regional Editor, Dale Webster
0427 852 344


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