Thursday, February 20, 2025



Community insight helps protect against bushfire injury and loss of life

Michelago, Bredbo, Adaminaby and Jindabyne residents impacted by bushfires highlighted the importance of bushfire maps showing users their location in relation to a fire risk, while clearly communicating critical information such as direction of fire spread to ensure emergency information is easily understood and followed by communities under threat.

Input needed to improve bushfire maps in the ACT and Snowy Monaro

New research is exploring the vital role that bushfire maps play in informing how people respond to fire threats, with input from residents of southern Canberra, the southern ACT and the Snowy Monaro region of New South Wales impacted by any bushfire over the last four years needed ... The study by Natural Hazards Research Australia and RMIT University will help improve the design of maps used by fire agencies including the ACT Rural Fire Service and the NSW Rural Fire Service, that show a bushfire’s location and potential spread.

Reimagining river futures by reshaping water infrastructure

Catastrophic floods and droughts are currently being experienced across the world. Paul Wyrwoll and Quentin Grafton argue that our existing approaches to managing water are not working. We need a new paradigm for how we manage water, a rethinking where human societies work with and nurture the hydrological cycle, instead of trying to master it.

Next phase of work steaming ahead for Barton Highway: King, McBain, Farraway, Tuckerman

The duplication of the Barton Highway is forging ahead with the focus now turning to construction of several intersections along a seven-kilometre stretch as part of Stage 1 ... ARR.News asked some questions for the Ministers and Members and received a response from a spokesperson for Minister King.

“We felt we had a responsibility”

We could all learn a thing or two from humble war hero Les Cook. The top-shelf gardener, proud dad and gym regular is still living his best life in a quiet suburb near the Canberra Hospital. Earlier this year I found myself in the nation’s capital at the historic Australian War Memorial and had a lightbulb moment – for Anzac Day this year I should write a piece on a World War II veteran.

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