MP calls for housing support investigation
The ANAO has confirmed that it will consider investigating the Federal Government’s Housing Support Program as part of its 2025- 2026 audit program. Member for Mallee, Dr Anne Webster, officially requested that the Auditor- General examine probity and potential bias in the program.
Never miss an opportunity
“If it’s good enough for the cricketers to have a drink on the ground on a hot day, why can’t I?” ... On this occasion, Maggie has spotted an uncoupled hose, and is making the most of a free drink, courtesy of Grampians Wimmera Mallee Water.
Kinder welcomes young learners
Birchip Kindergarten has officially commenced for the year, welcoming twenty-six children into their three- and four-year-old programs, which provide fifteen hours of free kindergarten under the Victorian Government’s Best Start, Best Life reforms.
Unbreakable wheel rolls out across Buloke
Following his successful Paddock Run tour across Buloke Shire last year, Warren Davies – known as the Unbreakable Farmer – has re-launched his Unbreakable Wheel of Wellbeing in Wycheproof. The Unbreakable Wheel ... is now featured on posters and drink coasters distributed to local pubs and clubs across Buloke Shire.
Student engagement at record lows
Victorian students continue to disengage with their education, as new data reveals student attendance has fallen to record lows. Released recently, data from the Productivity Commission’s Report on Government Services 2025 has confirmed: Victoria is the only state or territory where student school attendance was lower in 2024, than compared to two years prior...
A club for all ages
Donald and District Pony Club has been an important and prominent grassroots sporting club for a number of years. In this time, many equine enthusiasts have started at this club, learning the basics before heading on to further challenges within the horse community.
Taking a moment for ourselves
The appetite for community art workshops continues to grow in Buloke, offering a much-needed escape from busy, always-on lifestyles ... In December, Charlton artist Bronwyn Fisher’s decoupage sessions in Nullawil and Nandaly attracted participants of all ages...