Thursday, February 13, 2025



Aimee Pirie – Australia’s youngest woman to conquer gruelling 246km Spartathlon

Aimee Pirie, who spent 14 years growing up in Yamba, recently completed the toughest challenge of her life, the Spartathlon in Greece, running the final 85km with a severely sprained ankle due to ‘inflammation from extensor tendinitis’, becoming the youngest Australian woman ever to finish. Described as the world’s most gruelling race, the 246km Spartathlon runs over rough tracks and muddy paths ...

Musicophilia with J Lowe

Dr Matt Hill (PhD, Music technology and composition) was a Dunoon identity for many years: a fixture of the Dunoon Football Club as a player and committee member, a member of the Dunoon Primary P&C and a music teacher at his home in James Street. He wrote a song about the Dunoon tornado which ripped through the village in 2007 ... He is a composer, songwriter, and multi-instrumentalist.

From village streets to major marathons: Bronwen’s running journey

The Dunoon Run Club meets for social runs in the village of Dunoon ... Woody has unleashed his writing talent on a "Spotlight on a Runner" series of articles, starting with Bronwen who has been running for the last 4 years. At 61, Bronwen’s running journey has taken her from quiet village streets to the world’s most iconic marathon courses.

Chris Delpratt’s Roadside Impressions exhibition survey (2003 -2015)

Kareen Anchen. “For me, once a painter, always a painter”. Like many painters, Chris has had to find her own way and has spent a lifetime doing so; we are much richer for her endeavour. Roadside Impressions is an immersive survey exhibition from 2003 – 2015. On exhibition are meditative landscape paintings by Chris Delpratt.

Shannon Noll: An Australian Idol

Following his father’s tragic passing in a farming accident in 2001 and years of consistently dry weather which had a devastating impact on his family’s livelihood, Shannon Noll decided to audition for Australian Idol ... Recently, he caught up with the Clarence Valley Independent and spoke about how much he is looking forward to stepping onto the stage in one of the most famous venues in Northern NSW ...

Nhill’s first flyer – and then some

John Williams. In the pioneering years of aviation, Nhill’s first man in the air, Ivan Sinclair Young helped put the town at the forefront of flight along with Fred Mckenzie of the Nhill Free Press. (Sinclair was his mother’s maiden name) Yes, he was a "Magnificent Man in a Flying Machine." However, he was not a glamorous pilot or ace. He was still brave, though.

If in doubt, get tested!

The Tarrangower Times caught up with Maldon Fire Brigade Captain Sean McCubbin last week, with the intention of talking about his recent cancer diagnosis and ongoing treatment. In the end, the interview ranged far and wide. Sean speaks his mind, is passionate about many issues, knows Maldon like the back of his hand and has a bunch of entertaining stories.

Teddy & Me closes

Earlier this month, Teddy & Me’s owner Marilyn Kennedy made the difficult decision to close her shop, which had been operating in Maldon since 1997. The [Tarrangower] Times caught up with Marilyn last week to talk about her time as a retailer ... While building up a loyal customer base, she also made some changes to her stock, including specialising in collectable toys that appealed to adults as well as children.

From painting houses to painting nudes: Tim Snowdon proud to show his new exhibition

Former Narrandera resident now painter Tim Snowdon has had a fulfilling life as a talented painter, dipping his brush in many different genres over time: still life, landscape, contemporary, traditional, portraiture – and of course houses. He doesn’t paint pictures of houses, he paints houses. Literally.

New chief to lead energy transformation

The Member for Indi, Helen Haines, has welcomed the appointment by the Australian government of Tony Mahar to his new role as the new Australian Energy Infrastructure Commissioner ... "I have worked productively with Mr Mahar during his time as the CEO of the NFF on issues like sustainable agriculture facilitators, renewable energy and biosecurity levies," Dr Haines said.

Pint and a parmi for Denmark’s life saving World Champion

Serena Kirby. Anthony McEwan has won gold at the recent Life Saving World Championships making him world champion in the male masters 2km beach run. Held on the Gold Coast, Anthony, 55, competed against 40 other runners from all over the world in the 55-59 category.

A day in the life of … Dr Lisa Clarke, The Roving Vet

The life of a country veterinarian is not an easy one and for Dr Lisa Clarke, the days can be long and the work can be dangerous. Lisa and her mobile vet service,The Roving Vet, can also clock up nearly 1000 km every week as zig zags across WA’s Great Southern from Albany to Walpole. And, with so much time spent in her vehicle, it’s a good thing Lisa has Plum, her “trusty secretary” with her wherever she goes.

Yagerbomb: First time candidate secures most initial count votes

As counting continues in the 2024 Local Government Elections first time candidate Cristie Yager had a clear lead in the initial count winning 13 of the 28 polling booths across the Clarence Valley ... Cristie Yager told the CV Independent she made an early declaration in February that she would be a candidate as she wanted to take an open approach and make her intentions publicly known as she worked toward polling day ... "Once I decided I would run for council I began to research," she said.

Nostalgia as café closes

It seemed natural that café owner Katrine Elliott would reflect and become nostalgic when speaking about the closure of the business that she has steered through more than 17 years. The iconic Berryman’s Café and Tearooms will cease operations on Sunday 29 September and hold a clearing sale in the following week.

Golden Girl Alexa Leary breaks world records, wins 2 gold and 1 silver

When Alexa Leary, who grew up in Yamba, was fighting for life in intensive care after an extremely serious 2021 cycling crash that almost claimed her life, her parents engaged a fortune teller who predicted she would survive and compete at the Paralympics. But the fortune teller didn't predict Alexa would become the golden girl of the 2024 Paris Paralympics by breaking the world record and taking home two gold medals...

A true bush battler: Bree Wakefield

Bree Wakefield was on the panel of speakers who appeared at the recent event, Hatfield Happenings. Her story is one of varied hardships, and the beauty of overcoming these hardships and elevating yourself.

Trevor Smart retires

Chris Oldfield and Nasik Swami. Naracoorte Lucindale Council CEO Trevor Smart has resigned after six years in the top job and is looking forward to spending more time with his family. Mr Smart has spent 41 years in local government and six years with Naracoorte Lucindale Council.

Nobby artist award finalist

Angela Hart from Nobby has been named as one of fifty finalists in The Australian Artists Awards for Emerging Artists ... Angela has been an artist for many years and as part of the local Back Road Artists group has contributed to exhibitions in local galleries and art spaces.

Magnificent Marcia Hines live at the Saraton

After more than 50 years performing and releasing 22 hit albums that have sold more than 2.6 million copies, Australian music royalty, Marcia Hines is bringing her renowned stage presence to Grafton’s Saraton Theatre on her ‘Still Shining’ concert tour. Last week, Marcia spoke to the CV Independent about her upcoming performance in Grafton and her life in music.

Tough ride! Our Racheal joins the prestigious Racing SA Apprentice Academy

It’s been a tough ride, but Naracoorte’s Racheal Kraemer is not giving up. The 29-year-old has made it to the prestigious Racing SA Apprentice Academy, a journey filled with optimism, love, and passion to do something in life.

Farm, local and now state: From farm boy to symbolic farmer icon via design

Wayne Hawthorne. This was the life story conveyed to Naracoorte Men’s Probus Club by Ben Hood, now a Member of the Legislative Council (MLC). Ben is Naracoorte born and bred and now a Mount Gambier resident. His office as MLC is in Adelaide, but he is a regular visitor to regions and invites feedback. Ben outlined his farm upbringing, career background and where he is heading.

Vietnam Veterans’ Day – 18 August 2024 – Alan Cooke

Alan Cooke worked as an earth moving contractor in Cohuna when he was called up for National Service in April 1966. The 20-year-old had no idea where Vietnam was and didn’t think he’d actually go, but by the time he was discharged in 1968, he had spent 285 days there as a Sapper in the 1st Field Squadron of the Royal Australian Engineers.

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