Thursday, February 13, 2025



Mayor’s service to community recognised with OAM

 Sean Cunningham. Narrandera Shire Council Mayor Neville Kschenka is no stranger to being in the limelight given the position he holds in local government, but his status was elevated on Australia Day.

Three cheers for Greer

Longstanding Cambooya Rural Fire Brigade volunteer Garry Greer was honoured as the Cambooya Citizen of the Year at this year’s Cambooya Australia Day festivities. An emotional Mr Greer was presented the award by Toowoomba Region Councillor Carol Taylor, alongside the Junior Sports, Community Group of the Year and Community Event of the Year awards.

Our communities recognise their heroes

Corryong’s Citizen of the Year was Kate Wheeler who was presented with her award by Towong mayor, Cr Andrew Whitehead, at a community breakfast on Australia Day ... Event of the Year 2025 - Corryong & Upper Murray Agricultural and Pastoral Society ...

‘We will survive’ says Survival Day speaker

While Australia Day celebrations took pride and place in Narrandera on Sunday, some locals marched to display their "resistance". A Survival Day march attracted a crowd of about 100 people who marched along East Street to the Narrandera Memorial Gardens ... One of those who spoke at the Gardens was Narrandera Shire Councillor Braden Lyons.

Community committees cut to 4

Clarence Valley Council has voted on a proposal to condense 10 Community Committees into 4, a move that has some councillors concerned about the impact on Council’s response to climate change. At the December 19 ordinary Council meeting, Councillors discussed updating the Community Strategic Plan (CSP) and developing a Delivery Program...with a proposal to reduce 10 community committees to 4 that are aligned with the CSP, Community and Culture, Economic Development, Environment and Sustainability, and Access and Inclusion.

Hindmarsh Shire Australia Day Awards 2025

Australia Day started early in Hindmarsh Shire on Sunday 26 January 2025, commencing with a BBQ breakfast in Rainbow at 7:30am provided by the Rainbow Lions Club, followed by ceremonies in Jeparit, Dimboola, and concluding in Nhill ... Bailee White of Nhill has been announced as the recipient of Hindmarsh Shire Young Citizen of the Year for 2025.

Cash cut at boat ramps

Sarah Herrmann. Recreational boaters in the Yorke Peninsula Council area will soon be unable to buy a single-launch permit with cash, after elected members voted to remove traditional coin machines from boat ramps ... RecFish SA executive officer Asher Dezsery said app-based payments had caused issues across the state.

Ratepayers protest councillor suspension

Sarah Herrmann. A protest against the suspension of Yorke Peninsula Council elected member Adam Meyer preceded the council’s ordinary meeting last week. Yorke Peninsula Ratepayers Association members gathered on the steps of the Minlaton Town Hall, holding A4 printouts of Councillor Meyer’s face, as well as signs reading "What truths are the CEO and mayor hiding?"...

Buloke achievers recognised

The 2025 Buloke Shire Council Awards celebration was held on January 23, in Wycheproof Town Hall, featuring buffet-style catering with an incredible selection of delicious food ... “These awards are a wonderful opportunity to celebrate the incredible people in our community,” Mayor Alan Getley said.

Housing crises affects businesses

Businesses from all sectors in the Tatiara District—whether trades, diesel mechanics, car dealers, agricultural machinery and supplies, manufacturing, or engineering—with five or 500 staff are unable to grow, or in some cases operate at capacity, because there is no accommodation available to house the staff they need to attract. This is the situation facing the district, council chief executive officer Anne Champness has told The [Naracoorte] News.

Mayor outlines 2025 vision: New CEO, funding, engagement

This year will feature a few highly important projects according to Toowoomba Region Mayor Geoff McDonald. The appointment of a new Council CEO, ongoing advocacy for State and Australian Government funding and the new Councillor Community Engagement model rank as the most important items on the Mayor’s agenda.

Community explores plans for council split

Snowy Valleys Council (SVC) is continuing to seek input from the community about the possible de-amalgamation of the local government area. Around 25 people joined SVC Interim General Manager, Steven Pinnuck, and Councillors Trina Thomson, Hugh Packard, David Sheldon and John Larter in Tumut last Tuesday to learn more about council’s de-amalgamation Implementation Plan (DPI) and Financial Sustainability Plan (FSP).

Australia Day conundrum – Shire to gauge sentiment

Patricia Gill. The Shire of Denmark will gauge community sentiment this year about its support of future Australia Day and other major celebrations. Despite advertising twice last year for a group to run Australia Day celebrations in Denmark none was forthcoming ... Shire president Kingsley Gibson said a bigger conversation would be held with the community about Australia Day and other major celebrations.

West Wimmera Australia Day awards

Kaniva resident Kaye Bothe is West Wimmera Shire’s Australia Day Citizen of the Year. The award will be presented to Mrs Bothe at Kaniva’s Australia Day celebrations on Sunday, January 26.

New bridge taking shape

Hugh Schuitemaker. A Riverland council continues to make progress on the reconstruction of a major bridge in Renmark, utilising some of the largest construction machinery ever seen inside the region.

Debt-free pool – $8M project fully funded

The replacement pool and facilities at the John Houston Memorial Swimming Pool will be constructed free of debt to Council and at minimal cost to ratepayers. The $8.067 million project received a further boost of $4.191 million last week following Council’s successful funding application under Round 2 of the Growing Regions Program.

Open letter to Rous County Councillors from Water Northern Rivers

We were heartened to read an article in the Tweed Coast Times, "Leading the way for a sustainable future water supply", p.13, 6/9/24. In the article Sharon Cadwallader (newly re-elected Rous County Councillor and Ballina mayor) said working to minimise water demand from big water users is an important part of water sustainability.

Volunteers needed for the Allora Show

President of the Allora Show Society has put a call out for volunteers to help as this year’s Allora Show. It takes a dedicated team to bring this amazing event to life so any time you could help at the Show would be appreciated.

Fire exposes risk of chicken farm waste

The management, storage and disposal of farm waste products has become a focus after residents reportedly discovered a smouldering fire in a chicken litter stockpile last week. A resident in the Baringhup/Carisbrook area says they discovered evidence of self-combustion in a pile of chicken farm waste following a day of Total Fire Ban in the district, expressing concern that it could happen again.

Council to assist with raw water connection costs at Showground

The Narrandera Shire Council has agreed to a request for assistance from the Narrandera Showground Land Managers to reduce the financial impact of the raw water connection to the Narrandera Showground. Council will make a contribution of $2,500 to the Showground Trust ... Based on expected water usage on the site there is anticipated to be an operational cost in excess of $20,000 a year that will need to be paid by the Narrandera Showground Trust.

Consultation attracts Olympic-size response

Queenslanders have responded in their thousands to the Games Independent Infrastructure and Coordination Authority’s call for ideas and feedback on plans and legacy projects for the Brisbane 2032 Olympics. The 100 Day Review attracted more than 5,000 submissions from a broad array of groups including residents, infrastructure and planning experts, sporting and community organisations and aspiring Olympians of tomorrow.

New Housing Delivery Authority to bypass Council

In a bid to boost housing construction and supply in NSW the state government has established a new Housing Delivery Authority (HDA) designed to lead a new development pathway that will see regional Councils bypassed by developers of approved residential "State Significant Development" projects valued at more than $30 million. The HDA was established under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act (1979)...

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