Captivating and colourful art exhibition – ‘EAST WEST’
Gai Pritchett. Two of Yamba’s talented artist’s, Jillian Bowles and Belinda Laurie, have joined forces to bring a vibrant and colourful exhibition to The Old Kirk Gallery at Yamba Museum.
Grafton firefighter honoured with prestigious award
Grafton Fire and Rescue 306 Station Captain Garry Reardon has been awarded the Australian Fire Service Medal (AFSM) in the 2025 Australia Day Honours. Established in 1988, the AFSM is one of the highest honours an Australian firefighter can receive, and the medal is awarded to firefighters who have demonstrated exceptional service, initiative, and performance throughout their careers.
Clarence Valley hospitals experience high activity in recent months
The Northern NSW Local Health District (NNSWLHD) continued to improve planned surgery performance during the July to September 2024 quarter, despite hospitals with the locality experiencing some of the highest activity levels on record.
Maclean Manta Rays swimmers achieve further success at national level
Six swimmers from the Clarence Valley represented the Maclean Manta Rays Swimming Club at the 2024-25 Speedo NSW Senior State Age Championships earlier this month. Held at the Sydney Olympic Park Aquatic Centre between December 6-12, the event attracted some of the best athletes from across the state.
Clarence Valley advocate helps shape future at inaugural NSW Youth Summit
Paris Rose Brailsford, a 21-year-old youth advocate from the Clarence Valley, proudly represented her region at the first-ever NSW Youth Summit held in Sydney ... The Summit brought together participants from diverse regional and metro communities, cultural backgrounds and life experiences.
Win! Win! Win … Entire community to benefit from landfill revolution
Clarence Valley Council (CVC) have taken a giant leap toward both substantially lowering greenhouse gas emissions from landfill and at the same time, greatly increasing their future usage of renewable energy after awarding a tender for Landfill Gas Management and Gas to Energy services at the Grafton Regional Landfill facility. And the huge bonus to the community… Council is set to reap a financial windfall.
Clarence gets creative with inmate art
Artworks produced by inmates at the Clarence Correctional Centre (CCC) are currently on display as part of an exhibition entitled Clarence Gets Creative at the Casino Art Gallery. The unique event, created in partnership between SERCO and the art gallery, provides a platform for inmates to showcase their artistic talents.
New Misinformation Bill “an attack on free speech” claims Hogan
"The Albanese Labor Government has introduced a new Bill to the Federal Parliament that gives the government and its bureaucrats extraordinary powers to regulate speech and decide what is classed as misinformation ... We have seen the Bill opposed by the Victorian Bar Association, the NSW Solicitor-General, Human Rights Commission, and the Queensland Council for Civil Liberties": Member for Page, Kevin Hogan.
We will remember them
Cenotaphs and memorials across the Clarence Valley were decked with wreaths and flowers as the community stopped to remember the end of hostilities of the ‘war to end all wars’ on the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month.
Government introduces dangerous new ‘misinformation’ legislation
Labor have introduced a new Bill that gives the government and its bureaucrats extraordinary powers to regulate speech and decide what is classed as misinformation. Federal Member for Page Kevin Hogan says he strongly opposes the legislation and has described it as an attack on free speech.