Thursday, January 16, 2025

Tertia Butcher, The Riverine Grazier


Solar heating for new pool: Council considers options for renewable energy at replacement pools

Heating options for two of the replacement pools at the John Houston Memorial Swimming Pool are currently being investigated by the contractor, ELM Aquatics. Works are due to commence late next month, with the pool closing on February 24, to be completed for re-opening late November 2025. General Manager, David Webb said the replacement project includes three new pools, filtration equipment, solar heating, renewable energy supply, recreational facilities and landscaping.

Bush Bursary students enjoying the calm and friendliness of Hay

Hay Shire Council is continuing its efforts in attracting medical staff to Hay with a commitment to the Bush Bursary program. Current recipients are Zali Beuzeville and Charlie Jackson, pictured with Lyla Quinn during their placement at Japp’s Pharmacy last week. 

Fresh intake of 20,600 fingerlings along local river waterways

Hay Shire Council and Hay Lions Football and Netball Club joined forces once again for their much-anticipated annual native fish restocking event in the Murrumbidgee River at Hay late last month. Around 6600 Murray Cod fingerlings were released near Sandy Point, marking another significant step in enhancing the local aquatic ecosystem.

Recognition for Honorary Ambo – 37 years later

Allan Japp is the first, and possible the only recipient in Hay to receive the Honorary Bearer Medal, some 47 years after he completed his last trip behind the wheel of an ambulance. Allan become an Honorary Ambulance Officer (Honorary Bearer as they were known then) in August 1963. His first case was taking a patient from Hay Hospital to the Royal Melbourne Hospital – a round trip of 917 kilometres which took just under 12 hours to complete.

Business partnership brings early Christmas gift for Can Assist

A partnership arrangement between two Maude Road businesses, Fellows’ grain storage facility and Nutrien Ag Solutions has realised $612 for Can Assist Hay. The money was raised through weighbridge operations at the Fellows yard, and are carried out by Sophie Stephens and Riley Jackson (pictured) of Nutrien Ag Solutions when the weighbridge is unattended.

Hay Shire Council welcomes $45M feedlot development

A $45 million development application which will create 147 direct jobs in the district was unanimously approved by Hay Shire Council at its monthly meeting last week. General Manager, David Webb said Council staff supported the application to intensify the cattle feedlot capacity at Ravensworth from 60,000 head to 100,000 standard cattle units (SCU), and recommended it be approved. There will be no change to existing infrastructure (pen space) at the Ravensworth feedlot which currently employs 35 to 40 people.

Hay sits out the calm before the renewable energy storm

SW-REZ is in the calm before the REZ Access Rights announcement-storm in the coming months. Proposed large-scale windfarms such as Pottinger, Engie and Bullawah are all waiting in the wings for the all-important announcement to be made ... further proposals are coming forward, with renewable energy development company RES announcing a $40 million commitment to local community development as part of its plan to construct the Argoon Wind Farm.

Innovative move to attract future early learning educators

Studying childcare has just become easier for young people in Hay thanks to an innovative collaboration between Hay War Memorial High School and Hay Children’s Services. The school recently launched a fresh elective subject, Child Studies which is tailored for Years 9 and 10 students and offers a deep dive into the factors that influence a child's development and wellbeing from conception through the early years, covering ages zero to eight.

Locals rally to assist in fatal helicopter crash at One Tree

Tribute has been paid for the efforts of local community members and volunteers in the search and rescue of a fatal helicopter crash near One Tree ... Retired paramedic, Robert Marmont said locals rallied to render assistance after an official alert went out to all aircraft in the area … A man in his 40s died at the scene. The 29-year-old pilot sustained serious injuries and is being treated in Melbourne Hospital.

End of an era at Japps

It was the end of an era ... when Hay’s pharmacist of close to 70 years finally passed on the baton. "The time has come," Allan Japp told The Riverine Grazier after signing over his share of Japp’s Pharmacy to Mina Malek who had been working with him for the past two-and-a-half years.