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- Out now - Archive - April 2021
Gunning Show, 15-16 February 2025
2025 Gunning Show: A Community Tradition
Gunning P A & I Society
The 2025 Gunning Show is just around the corner, with locals already preparing for...
Bendigo Bank Agribusiness Insights: 2025 off to a strong start for Australian agricultural markets
The latest Monthly Commodity Insights report from Bendigo Bank Agribusiness flags a strong start for Australian agricultural markets in 2025.
Musicophilia with Jessica Lowe: Bellringing
Jessica Lowe. Bellringing, also known as campanology, is a unique form of music. I always enjoyed hearing the bells ringing from St Andrews Anglican Cathedral when I lived in Lismore ...
Lismore Theatre Company – “Life Without Me”
"Life Without Me" is written by the much-awarded Australian playwright Daniel Keene. It is a funny, honest and heartwarming story that invites us to question life itself, or at least our own.
A club for all ages
Donald and District Pony Club has been an important and prominent grassroots sporting club for a number of years. In this time, many equine enthusiasts have started at this club, learning the basics before heading on to further challenges within the horse community.
Taking a moment for ourselves
The appetite for community art workshops continues to grow in Buloke, offering a much-needed escape from busy, always-on lifestyles ... In December, Charlton artist Bronwyn Fisher’s decoupage sessions in Nullawil and Nandaly attracted participants of all ages...
Shark plan labelled “city centric”
Wilson McShane. Narungga MP Fraser Ellis has labelled a $500,000 shark safety initiative "city centric". Mr Ellis has expressed concern about the program which will fund Surf Life Saving SA to monitor beaches. "It seems ridiculous there have been fatal shark attacks on Yorke Peninsula and Eyre Peninsula, yet a body with no footprint in either region is commissioned to shark proof the region," he said.
Yorketown’s 263-run partnership rewrites recent records
Wilson McShane. Not many cricketers can say they have made an A grade century.
War on mozzies heats up
Michelle Daw. Barunga West Council has intensified pest control efforts after frustrated Fisherman Bay and Port Broughton residents reported this summer’s insect problem as the worst they have ever experienced ... “We didn’t move up here to spend summer in our house”: Robyn Lyons, Fisherman Bay.
Yorke Peninsula Country Times, 11 February 2025
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Last chance to see
The Giant Russian Sunflowers at Donald’s Red Gate Community Garden are in the final days of their spectacular bloom. Measuring some four metres in height (that’s around 14ft in Red Gate parlance) with seedhead/flowers weighing in at around 2 kgs (4lbs?), they have been photographed many times by visitors passing through town and locals alike.
Hard NO to cash mandate will do more harm than good
The Federal Government has published a proposal for a cash mandate that will only apply to a legislated list of “essential” goods and services and give express permission to more than 97 per cent of businesses in Australia to refuse to accept cash. Due to the restrictions and exemptions attached to this proposal, I cannot support it.
Dunoon and District Gazette, February-March 2025
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MLDRIN v the Commonwealth – The battle over the fractured rock water plan
First Nations environmental lobbying group Murray Lower Darling River Indigenous Nations (MLDRIN) is in the Federal Court today to challenge the decision by Minister Plibersek to accredit the NSW Fractured Rock Water Resource Plan (WRP) ... “We repeatedly advised the MDBA that the Fractured Rock Water Resource Plan should not be recommended for accreditation," Brendan Kennedy, Chair, MLDRIN, Tati Tati Nation member, said.
‘Wow’: Woolgoolga named Mainland Australia’s best beach
It was never a tightly held secret and it’s even less so now with Woolgoolga Main Beach named the best on Mainland Australia. The coveted accolade for the stunning location on NSW’s Coffs Coast is revealed in the just-released Best Australian Beaches 2025.
Who’s the Kyogle Olympian who once punched above his weight?
Brett McNamara. They say that you can’t be what you can’t see. For a small country town Kyogle punches above its weight when it comes to sporting talent, achieving greatness and inspiring the next generation ... One treasured piece is a framed piece of Olympic history – Athol McQueen’s 1964 Tokyo Olympic Games blazer.
What is going on at Kyogle Showground? Crown Lands appoints administrator for six months
What is happening at the Kyogle Showground? Crown Lands has appointed an administrator to the Kyogle Showground Trust. A spokesperson for Crown Lands in the Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure said the term of the Kyogle Showground and Public Recreation Land Manager Board expired on December 19 last year.
Legal aid copes with pressure
All Territory Aboriginal persons facing criminal charges since August last year received high quality legal representation unless they chose not to use the North Australian Aboriginal Justice Agency, or it had a conflict of interest. CEO Anthony Beven was responding to allegations made anonymously to the Alice Springs News that “there is more chaos at NAAJA”.
Wilcannia chosen for pilgrimage site
Sr Elizabeth Young. Our town was picked! This year, Pope Francis, the leader of the Roman Catholic Church, has called a 'Jubilee', which is an ancient practice every 50 or 25 years ... In this part of the Catholic world, Wilcannia (the whole town) has been chosen by Bishop Columba as a place of pilgrimage, along with Broken Hill Cathedral, Forbes and the Brewarrina Fish Traps.
International AFL tour December 2024
As many heard, Leonard Whyman Bugmy was selected to play in the Wanderers Australia AFL(1) team for their international tour December 2024. The experience took Leonard and his team to Dublin (Ireland), Paris (France) and London (England).
A use for carp
Roy Butler, Member for Barwon, tells us he visited a place run by Oceans2Earth. They make a product called Soil Enhancer. They mix fish waste and wood together to make a fertiliser. The man behind this is Tim Crane, originally from Wilcannia.
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