Friday, February 7, 2025

Upload Your News

Australian Rural & Regional TV

We want news from your part of rural and regional Australia on ARR TV.

Everyone with a phone or a camera now can capture news of what’s happening on the ground in their part of the world. Sure, it won’t all be award-winning journalism and may be a bit rough around the edges, but we believe it’s an important way of recording and sharing news, especially from parts of Australia where there aren’t many, or even any, professional journalists on the ground to cover it all.

So be part of telling the news of rural and regional Australia to your community, to the rest of Australia and to the world.
Shoot that footage, record some words to go with it if you wish, and upload it here.

If we think it’s newsworthy too, it will be up and out there for all to see.


– newsworthy
– current
– from rural or regional Australia

– shortform, 2 minutes is good, less than 5
– contact us first if you have an important longer piece
– in one of the standard video formats listed

– author/ creator must be stated
– date and location must be given
– relevant business or poltical affiliations to be stated


– enter your email below
– click Send Code
– when the code arrives come back to this page and enter the code
– choose the file (audio/ video or audio only) from its location on your device
– fill in the details: Name; Town/ District; Individual/ Business; Date and place of recording; Title; Description
– click upload
– wait for the file to upload. Have a cup of tea, a stretch, a game of fetch with the dog
– especially with our connections in Australia, uploading full size media files, even short ones, can take several minutes or even more.
– if you are tech savvy and compress it first, it will be quicker to upload
– for a free online compressing tool try: 
– wait for us to review your news item and email to let you know when it’s live

(We will send you a confirmation code to validate your email address)


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