Australia Day started early in Hindmarsh Shire on Sunday 26 January 2025, commencing with a BBQ breakfast in Rainbow at 7:30am provided by the Rainbow Lions Club, followed by ceremonies in Jeparit, Dimboola, and concluding in Nhill and organised by the Jeparit Town Advisory Committee, Dimboola CWA and Nhill Lions Club respectively.
Hindmarsh Shire Council Mayor, Cr Ron Ismay, attended all four Australia Day ceremonies where he addressed the crowd and announced Hindmarsh Shire’s 2025 Australia Day Awards and presented recipients with their awards.
Hindmarsh Citizen Of The Year – Allira Roberts, Rainbow
Allira Roberts of Rainbow is the 2025 Hindmarsh Shire Citizen of the Year recipient.
The award recognises and acknowledges her dedicated and untiring volunteer work for the Rainbow community, particularly the Rainbow Town Advisory Committee and the Rainbow Archives. She has successfully applied for grants and permits on behalf of the Rainbow Town Advisory Committee and has also developed a new residents booklet providing necessary information to new residents of Rainbow – among several other achievements and roles within the Rainbow community.
As another example, Allira’s volunteer work for the Rainbow Archives has included sorting, scanning and cataloguing historic newspaper items, letters and many other items of documentation of historical importance.
Allira strives to instil a positive attitude in everything she does and takes every opportunity to advocate for inclusivity to the benefit of the greater community.
Her advocacy includes the establishment of all-ability parking in strategic locations in the Rainbow business district, DDA compliant amenities and facilities at public toilets in the township of Rainbow, and all-ability access to the Rainbow Swimming Pool which will enable people with accessibility requirements or elderly people who may struggle with steps, easy access to enter and exit the pool safely.
Mayor, Cr Ron Ismay said, “On behalf of Hindmarsh Shire Council and the residents of Rainbow I extend our congratulations to Allira on being the recipient of the 2025 Hindmarsh Shire Citizen of the Year. This award is a well-deserved acknowledgement and recognition of Allira’s contribution to her community of Rainbow and even though I am sure she will be humble in accepting the award, she is a true role model to many residents of the Rainbow community, and I wish her all the best for the future”.
Hindmarsh Young Citizen Of The Year
– Bailee White, Nhill
Bailee White of Nhill has been announced as the recipient of Hindmarsh Shire Young Citizen of the Year for 2025.
Bailee volunteers her time for several local groups in the Nhill Community, including Nhill A & P Society, Nhill Basketball Association, Hindmarsh Shire Youth Council, Iona Aged Care Facility and Nhill and District Sporting Club. She has also been involved in several plays and musicals for Nhill College, and as a representative on the School Representative Council (SRC) from 2018 to 2024, Bond House Captain (2023 to 2024), and SRC President in 2024.
Bailee has received many accolades throughout her years at Nhill College, receiving awards such as Luv A Duck Award in Years 9 & 10, Mallee Excellence Award in Year 10, Long Tan Youth Leadership Teamwork Award in Year 10 and more. She has also been awarded Nhill Lion’s Youth of the Year for 2024 and in December of 2024, she represented Nhill Lion’s Club on an exchange to Canada for 6 weeks.
Bailee is an exceptional and inspirational role model for younger people in the Shire who want to make a positive impact on the community. Her willingness to volunteer her time and participate in many activities, proves her dedication to the community.
Cr Ismay said, “On behalf of Hindmarsh Shire Council and residents of Nhill and district, I extend our congratulations to Bailee on being the recipient of the 2025 Young Citizen of the Year.
Bailee has shown determination, confidence and compassion well above her years in everything that she does.
Her willingness to be actively involved in various sectors and organisations throughout our community are shining examples to the younger residents of the Shire and I am positive that she has a very bright future ahead of her, no matter where life takes her.”
Hindmarsh Shire Lifetime Achievement Award
– Janet Pilmore, Dimboola
The Hindmarsh Lifetime Achievement Award category was created by Hindmarsh Shire Councillors in 2024. This award is presented to a person who has continuously contributed to the Hindmarsh Shire community for many years, whether it be through volunteering, running a local business, offering a helping hand when needed and/or being a positive advocate for the community and people.
Janet Pilmore of Dimboola has been announced as the recipient of the Hindmarsh Shire Lifetime Achievement Award for 2025.
Janet has made a significant contribution to the Dimboola community for many decades across numerous organisations and for various causes, whether it has been for empowering young people, supporting vital services, or fostering a strong connection and care within the community. Her stewardship of the Dimboola Gateway Shop for over 35 years ensured its day-to-day operations and saw it become a cornerstone for the success of Dimboola Girl Guides.
Janet’s involvement with CFA Ladies’ Auxiliary has seen her prepare food for firefighters during emergencies and organising fundraising events to support the CFA. The passion she has for the community extended to her membership of the Dimboola Garden Club, where she contributed to local beautification projects until the club disbanded in 2009.
She has been heavily involved with Dimboola Girl Guides, taking on a leadership role, where she empowered young girls by instilling values such as self-confidence and providing them opportunities to learn vital life skills. She renewed her guide promise in 2014 to lead the Second Company Guides in Dimboola, where she has organised camps, mentored future leaders and ensured continued success of the program.
Cr Ismay said, “On behalf of Hindmarsh Shire Council and the Dimboola community, I extend our congratulations to Janet. Janet has consistently demonstrated exceptional service, compassion, and commitment to creating a stronger community for many years. Her contributions have left a legacy in Dimboola, making her an important member of the Hindmarsh community.”
“On behalf of Hindmarsh Shire Council, I sincerely thank everyone who submitted nominations for the 2025 Hindmarsh Shire Australia Day Awards.” added Cr Ron Ismay. “Council continues to wholeheartedly support this day and see it as a day to come together and celebrate our freedom, democratic rights, multiculturalism and enjoy the wonderful country we live in.”
Cr Ismay concluded “I would also like to thank and extend our gratitude to the volunteers who run the Australia Day events each year – Lions Club of Rainbow, Jeparit Town Advisory Committee, Dimboola CWA and Lions Club of Nhill.”
See all the photos in the issue.
This article appeared in the Nhill Free Press & Kaniva Times, 29 January 2025.