Thursday, February 13, 2025



‘Wood Work’ showcases career pathways in the ultimate renewable industry: Scriven

The State Government will invest $250,000, in partnership with the South Australian Forest Products Association (SAFPA) to launch a new forest and timber industries career campaign, titled ‘This Is Wood Work’. Wood Work is a powerful tool promoting the broad diversity of career pathways and job options within the forest and timber industries...

Forestry Australia says Queensland Government have jumped gun on Greater Glider Forest Park

Forestry Australia is disappointed the Miles Labor Government is jumping the gun in declaring a Greater Glider Forest Park ... “The assumption that harvesting timber from native forests is necessarily harmful to biodiversity is not correct and there is indeed strong evidence that forests need to be managed actively. It is time to move away from the binary approach of commercial forests vs protected areas and consider a more nuanced approach ...": Dr Bill Jackson.

Miles doing what matters: Greater Glider Forest Park protected area for Queensland: Linard, Saunders

Environment Minister Leanne Linard has announced 54,000 hectares of greater glider habitat in South East Queensland state forest will be transitioned to a new natural capital tenure ... Of the 54,000 hectares, 7,500 hectares are set to be placed into Natural Capital Reserve as a potential strategic advance offset for the critical Borumba Pumped Hydro project.

Timber NSW welcomes engagement and consultation on building a future fit timber industry

“For too long successive governments have handed a timber or forest industry plan to the industry without any consultation with those businesses and people who effectively live and breathe it every day” said Maree McCaskill CEO of Timber NSW. “The Minns government is demonstrating willingness to listen and consult with those most impacted by any change and we welcome that opportunity.”

NSW to consult on Forestry Industry Action Plan: Sharpe, Moriarty

The NSW Government is today announcing the appointment of an expert panel to lead consultation on a Forestry Industry Action Plan, which will outline the path NSW will take to ensure a sustainable timber industry that aligns with the government’s key environmental priorities. The Independent Forestry Panel will be chaired by Peter Duncan AM who has more than 40 years’ experience in primary industries, infrastructure and regional NSW.

Next steps in illegal logging law reform: Collins

The Albanese Labor Government is continuing to strengthen our illegal logging regime with the Illegal Logging Prohibition Amendment (Strengthening Measures to Prevent Illegal Timber Trade) Bill 2024 currently before the Senate.  This legislation will be supported by new rules to replace the current Illegal Logging Prohibition Regulation 2012 when it expires on 1 April 2025 which are now open for comment.  

Woodn’t be better in Glenreagh

With the introduction of several new attractions including a competitive chainsaw competition and a bullock team, the 2024 Glenreagh Timber Festival attracted more than 6500 attendees to the Glenreagh Recreational Grounds ... families of all ages enjoyed themselves as they celebrated the rich heritage of the rural village.

Alliance prepares for fire season

The Softwoods Working Group has engaged major stakeholders to develop a strategy to safeguard the softwood forestry industry in the Murray Region Hub ahead of the upcoming bushfire season. A $13M forestry funding package from the NSW government is aimed at protecting essential timber supplies in the region and will support key fire prevention, detection and response initiatives.

Melbourne firm awarded Koondrook’s $500,000 transition fund

Gannawarra Shire Council staff have awarded the $500,000 State Government’s Community Development Fund to Melbourne based Urban Enterprises. The $500,000 grant from the Victorian Labor Government was in response to the Andrews – Allan Government’s decision to end over 150 years of native forestry in the state. Urban Enterprises edged out three rival bids for the contract, two being Barham-based and from Bendigo.

Firewood theft cripples parks and forests

The silent and devastating toll of people stealing wood from Victoria’s forests and parks has been revealed as public land authorities announce a crackdown on escalating illegal firewood take and habitat destruction threatening the survival of native wildlife and Aboriginal cultural heritage. In 2023 alone, firewood thieves damaged or destroyed more than 9,200 native trees or cleared roughly 462 hectares of public land in Victoria ...

Power pole transition plan sparks concerns

A decision by an electricity network which covers more than 90 per cent of the state to phase out hardwood power poles in favour of composite poles made from resin and fibreglass has sparked community concerns amidst allegations the transition will increase power bills, further exacerbating financial pressures during the ongoing cost-of-living crisis, as well as compromise the timber industry.

South Australian forestry industry to frame up new technical colleges: Scriven, Boyer

South Australian-sourced timber will form the backbone of two of the state’s new technical colleges – simultaneously reducing the carbon impact of the construction work and supporting the state’s $3 billion forestry industry ... new technical colleges at Tonsley and Mount Gambier will both be constructed with timber sourced from Timberlink Australia’s new $70 million NeXTimber manufacturing facility at Tarpeena in the state’s south east.

Building a seed bank for iconic forests: FCNSW

Forestry Corporation has embarked on a seed collection program to safeguard some of the most iconic forests in New South Wales. The giant eucalypt forests of the NSW high country dominated by Alpine Ash were severely impacted by the Black Summer bushfires.

Forest Wars – What lies beneath?: Peter Rutherford

Peter Rutherford. After reading Mark Poynter’s brief critique of The Forest Wars and the David Lindenmayer response, a few points seemed to need further exploration ... Many SETA members and others working in the forest industry have been curious as to what appear to be strong connections that Mr Lindenmayer has with a number of media reporters, who regularly report his opinions on native forest issues.

Helping timber workers transition to new opportunities: Spence

The Allan Labor Government’s Forestry Transition Fund has helped an East Gippsland timber worker to successfully transition from working in a mill to running his own small business ... Riverview Installations installs flatpack kitchens, including those from Bunnings and Ikea, in Bairnsdale and the surrounding area. The business also helps homeowners to measure and design their own kitchen.

The Forest Wars – review and response

Mark Poynter, a fellow of the Institute of Foresters of Australia (now Forestry Australia) reviews The Forest Wars. The author, Professor David Lindenmayer, responds ... "The Forest Wars  purports to portray the ‘ugly truth’ about what happens in wood production forests": Poynter ... "As I point out in the book there are some key problems with the industry": Lindenmayer.

State government sitting on a gold mine

Miners and small prospectors fear that the state government's study into the future of Gippsland's forests could lock up swathes of forest and shackle mining as a driver of local economic growth and jobs. Both the Minerals Council of Australia and the Prospectors and Miners Association of Victoria (PMAV) are critical of mining's inability to have a say in the process.

It took 23 women one year to finish a massive applique of a bullocky carting timber

Thirty-seven years ago, a group of women came together at Mallanganee Memorial Hall and created a huge applique of a bullock team to honour the village’s timber history. It started in 1975, when Katina Larsson came to Mallanganee from Casino one day a week to teach a TAFE fashion course at the hall.

Radial Timber taking on power

Radial Timber in Yarram, with a strategy already in place for its mainstream timber operation, has embarked on a new approach to using its wood waste that takes the company deeper into the heart of the sustainable, circular economy. Radial has installed a pilot plant that uses pyrolysis technology; organic material, in this case wood residues, is burnt at high temperatures without oxygen to produce biochar, a stable solid that is rich in carbon and can fertilise and endure in soil for thousands of years.

Will the dominos fall across the country after Victoria and Western Australia ended the harvesting of native forests? : Robert Onfray

When I started as a young forester in the late 1980s, I yearned for the opportunity to work in our native forests. While assessing a coupe to plan for a tree harvesting operation, I knew I was inheriting a forest structure that benefited from silvicultural practices adopted by foresters a few generations before me. Foresters aim to make the forest more productive by applying scientific principles to aid in the regeneration of the next crop of trees and to encourage the best growth of the retained trees. My responsibility was to continue that tradition for foresters a few generations ahead of me.

‘There’s trouble at t’mill’

Local CFA brigades attended a fire at Walkers sawmill in Corryong on Friday night which destroyed electrical equipment, necessary for the production of kindling. Two on-site mill workers heard a series of popping noises, similar to gunshots, around 10.30pm before noticing flames coming from the main processing area.

$22 million upgrade for Grafton timber company set to create 20 new jobs: Williamson

The expansion of one of the Clarence Valley’s largest timber factories, Big River Group is a huge boost to the local economy and sets the bar high in supplying the sustainable manufacturing of high-quality specialist technical timber products across the State. The upgrade includes the installation of state-of-the-art machinery that will substantially increase Big River’s output enabling them to supply an unprecedented volume of timber products.

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