Thursday, February 13, 2025



Moobird soaring into the Moooving Art herd  

Greater Shepparton’s popular Moooving Art collection continues to grow as Council welcomes a new member to the herd this week. Introducing Moobird, designed by talented Mooroopna artist Mandy Charquero, Moobird is inspired by the region’s very own Australian Botanic Gardens Shepparton and the native birds which can be found there, and around our region.

Arts About – Shroud at the EDGE

Nancy Whittaker. As the Maldon in Winter 2022 Festival becomes ever colder, another intriguing exhibition will open at the EDGE Galleries on Saturday, 9 July, from 5pm -7pm.  The exhibition entitled Shroud is more than fascinating in itself. However, the opening will be further enhanced by performance artist and EDGE Galleries Director Simon Dow presenting a provocation, which is called ‘the conditioning’.

Skywhales: Every heart sings

The Gallery is very excited to be participating in the national tour of Patricia Piccinini’s  Skywhales  by hosting a Ballarat launch of these enormous floating sculptures on Saturday 9 July at sunrise. We recently announced that the venue for the launch will be Ballarat’s historic Eastern Oval.

Arts About – Gothic to sublime

Gothic and romantic aesthetics and ideas have been a longstanding influence on how I think and work. I often think of my sculptures as giving form to spirits, whether ghosts from ‘the other side’ or denizens of a parallel world or, less literally, from the world of the psychological unconscious that ‘haunts’ reality: Kirsten Bishop.

Cape York showcased at Gateway

Fast becoming a Cape York icon, Lakeland’s Gateway to the Cape was officially opened on Friday ... Now complete, it boasts comprehensive visitor information, as well as a sculpture park that showcases each community in the region.

Gold for Cuttlefish Craig!

In commenting on the Whyalla City Council’s Gold Award win, the judges said that the sculpture was a functional piece that also honoured a spectacular local marine species and had been designed with accessibility in mind, making it a winning combination.

Little lobsters, large impact

Gabrielle Duykers. A unique Kingston art project will see participants fashion miniature lobsters out of ocean rubbish, in the hopes of increasing public understanding on the dangers of plastic pollution. The project is part of the Fringe on Tour Festival which will visit the coastal community from March 4 to March 6.

Fountain flows anew

Gabrielle Duykers. After being out of order for almost a decade, the distinctive fountain afront the Naracoorte Regional Art Gallery is flowing once again thanks to community efforts. The Ibis Rising fountain was installed in 2005 and is the work of Melbourne based sculptor and potter Heather Ellis, who also produced the William Mackintosh bust in Jones Street.

Cuttlefish Craig up for a national award

An unusual sculpture that pays homage to Whyalla’s giant cuttlefish has been named as one of the best public art experiences in the nation. The ‘Accessible Cuttlefish Throne’ at the Whyalla jetty has been shortlisted for the 2021 Australian Street Art Awards’ Best Landmark Sculpture gong.

Narrandera Koala Art Trail Design Competition now open

The Koala Art Trail Design competition is to encourage creative designs for decorated fibreglass sculptures that will become a feature of a Koala Art Trail. This will be a project proposed by the Tourism Department of the Narrandera Shire Council to increase engagement of visitors and locals within the various tourism and retail businesses. The aim is to create an art trail of 800mm high, decorated fibreglass Koala Sculptures in and around Narrandera.

Shire gets creative to celebrate Christmas

A towering moving sculpture, light shows and late night trading in the heart of Castlemaine, lead Mount Alexander Shire Council’s invitation to residents to step out and celebrate the year’s end ... From Wednesday 8 December until Tuesday 4 January Taradale artist, Alex Sanson’s towering kinetic sculpture Spherophyte, will fold and unfold in hypnotic motion in Victory Park, Castlemaine.

Father Woods movement

Sheryl Lowe. Father Woods Park statues will be the focus of discussions between Wattle Range Council and the Penola Catholic Community in coming weeks ... Cr Price successfully moved for Council to approach the Catholic Church leaders at Penola to see if they would support the relocation of the statues to Penola due to the safety concerns at the current site.

Experimenta Life Forms: International Triennial of Media Art

Experimenta Life Forms reveals how contemporary artists are exploring notions of life, at a time when technological change and new research findings are making definitions of ‘life’ increasingly difficult to pin down.

New SAM building now open

Greater Shepparton City Council is excited to announce the official virtual opening of the new Shepparton Art Museum (SAM) building on Friday 19 November at 7.00pm. The virtual opening will be available online for everyone to view and will feature some very special guests and presenters.

Refugee brings colour to South East

Gabrielle Duykers. A Zambian refugee camp seems an unlikely environment to foster an art career, but for one Mount Gambier man, that is where it all began. Originally from the Democratic Republic of Congo, Sadiki Kamundele is a skilled sculptor and painter, who works in a variety of mediums.  

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