A regional policing review team has been set up to examine police requirements in the Limestone Coast region.
The review is part of the strategies employed by the South Australia Police to make communities in the region safer from criminal activities and increase police presence on our streets.
SA Police told The [Naracoorte Community] News that they remained committed to the achievement of safer communities across regional South Australia despite the many challenges, ensuring police are in the right place at the right time, targeting the right people and issues.
“Ongoing consultation within the community to identify and address issues relating particularly to reducing incidences of serious and fatal collisions on roads, family and domestic violence, child protection, vulnerable community victimisation, and preventing crime first is a key part of how we keep our communities safe,” a police spokesperson said.
The spokesperson also revealed that a Premier’s Taskforce into police resourcing was providing SAPOL with an opportunity to work with both the government and the Police Association to examine staffing needs for the next ten to fifteen years.
According to the spokesperson, all police in South Australia were well resourced and well trained to carry out their duties across the wide range of tasks they are required to perform daily.
“This training and high level of technological support apply regardless of where any officer is posted.”
Denying the shortage of police officers in the south-east, the spokesperson said the Limestone Coast Local Service Area maintains staffing across the range of police stations in the LSA.
“Staff are deployed across the region from a variety of stations on a range of rosters that have been designed to best address identified concerns or trends.”
“Patrol members from adjoining stations work in collaboration to address crime issues impacting the community as well as undertake road safety policing initiatives.
“Numbers in stations vary around rosters and seasonal demands, which are unique and planned for across the calendar year.”
The spokesperson said LSA patrols were complimented by Highway Patrol officers who are mobile across the region to focus on key driver behaviour and road safety priority actions.
“On a need-based basis, additional police can also be drawn from other areas in support of local police.
“The unique nature of policing in the Limestone Coast and the cross-border nature of the Local Service Area mean police work closely with neighbouring Victoria Police counterparts to address road safety and crime issues as needed.
“The ongoing opportunities with technologies exploited by criminally minded people remain an ongoing focus for police both to educate and build resilience within communities.
It is also a key aspect of how we can assist the community with crime prevention advice and also informs our response to investigate reported crime.”
This article appeared in the Naracoorte Community News.
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