Thursday, February 13, 2025

Harry strides for a cause

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Wilson McShane, Yorke Peninsula Country Times

Six-year-old Harry Rendell, from Moonta, is following in the footsteps of his running idols.

Supported by his parents Kara and Nick, he is training for a five-kilometre event in Melbourne on December 1.

Throughout November, he and his running team RUNNEZ have been participating in Stride 4 Stroke, a fundraiser for the Stroke Foundation.  

Harry idolises ultra-marathon athlete and social media sensation Nedd Brockmann, and his enthusiasm has fuelled his determination to raise money for a worthy cause, according to Ms Rendell.

“Harry was so determined to mimic his hero Nedd, we decided to book a flight to Melbourne so he could run the 2XU Wellness 5km run in St Kilda on December 1 — a distance goal he has been working towards,” she says.

RUNNEZ, which he trains with remotely, has already surpassed its initial $1000 goal, with Harry himself raising about $1500.

Ms Rendell says, since he started practising, Harry has gradually increased his workload and earlier this month completed a 5km run with his dad.

Harry has also received additional motivation after receiving a message from Mr Brockmann.

The Rendells run Advanced Physio Solutions in Moonta.

“We thought the timing was perfect as November is Stride4Stroke month and we help many stroke patients with their recovery at our practice,” Ms Rendell says.

“Harry absolutely loves watching the Instagram stories of Nedd’s ‘uncomfortable challenges’ online and what he does to raise money.

“One day he asked, ‘You and Dad help people… Can I run to help people too?’.”

Harry says he’s excited for the St Kilda event and is proud of his hard work.

“When I get tired while running, I think about (my hero) Nedd and all the people struggling with strokes,” he says.

Stroke Foundation chief executive Dr Lisa Murphy has praised Harry for his fundraising efforts.

“Harry is setting such a great example in his remote community and his determination and intention is admirable,” Dr Murphy says.

Funds raised through Stride4Stroke support stroke prevention, research, and recovery programs.

The initiative also encourages participants to reduce their own stroke risk through exercise and healthy habits.

To donate go to or access the Stroke Foundation’s social media or website.  

Yorke Peninsula Country Times 26 November 2024

This article appeared in  Yorke Peninsula Country Times, 26 November 2024.


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