Thursday, February 20, 2025

Get ready, basketball stars, young and old!

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Australian basketball legend Aaron Bruce has relocated to Birchip to manage his Uncle Des Ryan’s Hotel, and he is eager to share his skills, knowledge, and passion for the game with people of all ages.

Aaron, who starred in college basketball at Baylor University before making his mark in the National Basketball League (NBL) with the Adelaide 36ers and the Sydney Kings, is passionate about sharing his talents and inspiring the next generation of basketball players right here in Birchip where he was born.

Aaron is the son of Steve and Julie Bruce and grandson of Val and Michael Ryan, and he said, “I volunteered to do this because I wanted to give back. I was born here and one way or another this place made me who I am. I have been very fortunate to experience everything I dreamed of, through success in basketball. “My parents started playing basketball here and I am sure the first time I touched a basketball was in Birchip. It’s the little things in life that have the biggest impact.”


These clinics are a fantastic opportunity for young players to learn from one of Australia’s best, and get valuable coaching on everything from shooting techniques to teamwork and strategy.

Aaron’s coaching will not only help players improve on the court but also build confidence and foster a love for the game.

Aaron said: “It’s definitely a fun game to play and I’m glad to share my expertise and knowledge with others.”

Aaron will offer clinics for primary and secondary aged students on Wednesday night, starting on Wednesday 13th November. [The Buloke] Times will be advised when registrations are confirmed.


Registrations are essential with the Birchip Neighbourhood House 0429 922735. There will be a $10 fee per person for the five week session to cover the cost of the stadium hire.

The Birchip Neighbourhood House is hoping to capitalise on the excitement by facilitating a ‘Rock Up Basketball’ session for adults on Wednesday nights also. Following the clinics there will be an opportunity for secondary students and adults to turn up and play a game without committing to a team.

Whether you’re a beginner or looking to take your skills to the next level, these clinics will help you grow as a player. Don’t miss out on this unique opportunity to train with a pro who’s passionate about the game and eager to share his skills.

Register your interest with Simone at the Birchip Neighbourhood House.

The Buloke Times 8 November 2024

This article appeared in The Buloke Times, 8 November 2024.


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