Serena Kirby, Denmark Bulletin
Denmark’s newest painting group is encouraging artists to step outside and embrace the great outdoors.
Taking its name from the French word for ‘out-of-doors’ the ‘plein air’ painters group is the brainchild of Kat Lamb who started the group two months ago.
“I wanted to create something that I could commit to that was consistent regardless of the season so coordinating this group makes me accountable to others,” Kat said.
The group, which has grown from just a handful of people to often more than a dozen, includes both professional and emerging artists and those simply wanting to have a go.
Kat said this had provided opportunities for people to experiment with techniques and ‘learn by doing’ as well as the chance to learn from more experienced artists in an informal manner.
“I choose a different location each week and by immersing ourselves in nature we’re getting to know our local landscape better and more intimately as we’re observing and responding to each place as we paint.”
The group’s weekly location is chosen for its accessibility and proximity to town so that participants can make the most of their time during each session.
Some of the ‘plein air’ locations so far have included Lights Beach, Springdale Beach, Harewood Forest as well as various other spots along the inlet and river.
Kat is considering arranging some full-day outings in the future which will enable the group to explore areas further afield.
She’d also like to arrange some weekend meet ups for those who can’t join in on weekdays.
The group meets every Thursday, rain or shine, from 9am-noon but people can come and go as they please.
“All you need to bring are your art supplies and some-thing to sit on,” Kat said.
To find out more, or to join in, follow the Denmark Plein Air Painters on facebook where they post each week’s coming location. Interested painters can also contact Kat Lamb on 0439 519 386 for details.
See all the photos in the issue.
This article appeared in the Denmark Bulletin, 16 May 2024.