Friday 12 May is Do It For Dolly Day, a national day dedicated to bringing the community together, spreading kindness and uniting in taking a stand against bullying.
- One in four Australian school students between years 4 and 9 are being bullied.
- One in seven of them won’t tell anyone.
- That’s over 340,000 young people staying silent.
Dolly Everett was one of those students being bullied.
Tragically, she was only 14 when she took her life in January 2018, following relentless and sustained bullying and cyberbullying.
Determined that no other family would suffer from the same devastation, Dolly’s parents, Tick and Kate Everett, established the anti-bullying organisation, Dolly’s Dream.
They are committed to changing the culture of bullying by addressing the impact of bullying, anxiety, depression, and youth suicide, through awareness, education and direct support to young people and families.
This May on Do It For Dolly Day the Everett family are encouraging everyone to help break the silence around bullying.
“We encourage parents, carers and educators to help create a safe space for kids to open up and have conversations about what is happening in their lives, and discuss any challenges they may be facing,” Kate said.
“Starting that conversation could make all the difference.
When it comes to bullying, we want kids to feel supported and confident in speaking up,” added Tick.
Psychologist and Dolly’s Dream Advisory Board member, Dr Charlotte Keating agreed that “As parents, carers, educators or concerned family or friends, each one of us can choose to have the critical conversations that will help end the cycle of bullying.” However, she also added, “We know that many young people who experience bullying don’t speak up about it.
The reasons can vary.
They may feel like it’s their fault, they don’t want to worry anyone, or they believe they will somehow disappoint their loved ones.
The reasons can be complex.” This is why resources such as the Dolly’s Dream Support Line are critical.
This free, 24-hour telephone service provides a way for young people anywhere across Australia to connect with a trained counsellor who is ready to listen and help.
This invaluable support service was only made possible with the funds raised by our generous supporters and the wider community.
Last Friday a number of students from Nhill College and across the Nhill community donned their blue.
This article appeared in the Nhill Free Press & Kaniva Times, 17 May 2023.