In the last quarter of 2021, MainFM’s Queer and Now successfully produced a nine-part podcast titled ‘Pride Across the Ages’ with funding from Midsumma.
The series is an incredibly moving, challenging, heartfelt, funny, honest and raw collection of stories from the LGBTIQA+ community ‘across the ages’ who call Central Victoria and the towns of Mount Alexander Shire home.
Pride Across the Ages was a project imagined by the Mount Alexander Shire LGBTIQA+ Steering Group, with support from Melbourne Pride’s Regional Activation Grant Program, MainFM and Mount Alexander Shire Council.
The podcast series was produced by Sherene Clow and Amalie O’Hara, presenters of MainFM’s Queer and Now radio show and members of the LGBTQIA+ community.
Both Sherene and Amalie are experienced producers and skilled interviewers with a talent for forging genuine and trusting relationships with their interviewees, drawing out engaging, intimate and heartfelt stories.
Through the sharing of stories, we hope to connect people across the region with an understanding of what Pride is and what it represents, as well as where it has come from and the journey we have ahead.
The stories shared will aim to bridge the understanding of why Pride should be celebrated and, importantly, to create localised history.
Pride focuses on the decriminalisation of homosexuality in Victoria 40 years ago and what that has meant for them, what has changed in practical terms, what still needs to change, what Pride means to them now and how they live it and celebrate it.
The podcast is available on Spotify: simply search Pride Across the Ages.
This article appeared in the Tarrangower Times, 30 September 2022.