Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Wet weather affects condition of cattle

Recent stories

Tegan George, NRLX business coordinator administration, indyNR.com

Agents yarded 897 head at the Northern Rivers Livestock Exchange regular prime sale on Wednesday, May 25.


The yarding consisted of a good supply of young cattle along with a fair penning of cows. The young cattle consisted mainly of light and medium weight weaners with quality on the plainer side.

Cattle are starting to see a drop in condition with the wet weather taking a toll. However, there were several pens of well bred weaner steers and heifers throughout the sale.

Cow prices held firm this week averaging 333c/kg and reaching a top price of 402c/kg.

Heifer prices were easier with lighter heifers up to 250kg averaging 658c/kg and topping their category at 828c/kg.

Heavier heifers over 250kg averaged 413c/kg and reached a top of 542c/kg.

Bull prices were stronger again this week with 17 head sold averaging 360c/kg and 689kg.

Steer prices saw a drop with lighter steers up to 250kg averaging 676c/kg and reaching a top price of 832c/kg.

Heavier steers over 250kg averaged 495c/kg and topped their market at 710c/kg.

A small number of bullocks averaged 430c/kg.

Vealer prices were also down this week with lighter vealers up to 250kg averaging 691c/kg and reaching a top of 850c/kg.

Heavier vealers over 250kg averaged 526c/kg with a top price of 698c/kg.

T&W McCormack and Ramsey & Bulmer will hold a store sale at the NRLX on Friday, June 3 with over 1000 head expected. Further bookings are welcome.

This article appeared on indyNR.com on 29 May 2022.


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