The group of riders known as Maldon Cycling has raised funds to purchase a trishaw for the residents of Mountview Nursing Home at Maldon Hospital, who are enjoying the opportunity to view the local neighbourhood at cycling pace.
“The original goal of the group was to raise money for health care,” said Michael McCartney, who visited for afternoon tea with fellow Maldon Cycling member Noel Farrington. They explained that the fundraising was achieved through various approaches. “We’ve done a number of things; trivia nights, a bike show and the Murray to Moyne ride.”
The residents, who simply nominate to have a ride and take turns each Thursday afternoon, are loving the trishaw. “If you feel like your ability is reduced, it would be a bit special to have a ride,” said Noel.
Rebecca Buchanan, who coordinates the bicycles for the hospital, said that it gave passengers a royal experience: “It’s been very popular.” The staff said that the trishaw injected some fun into the routine and gave residents something to look forward to.
The organisers are still looking for new “Volunteer Pilots” to pedal the residents around for short trips near the hospital grounds; there are level routes, despite the hill-top location. If you’d like to be involved in this great activity, contact the Volunteer team at Dhelkaya Health on 5471 3566.
This article appeared in the Tarrangower Times, 20 December 2024.