Narrandera Shire Council will discuss with the Federal Member for Farrer Sussan Ley MP and the Federal Government the possibility to reinstate the Narrandera to Tocumwal Rail Line as a supplementary line to the planned Wagga Inland Rail Route.
Cr Jenny Clarke said a previous Council had lobbied vigorously for the Narrandera to Tocumwal line to be reinstated, but unfortunately all the progress achieved had been basically forgotten by the current Council.
“Due to the many current problems of the Inland Rail going through the centre of Wagga and Albury, it is now time to again promote the route through Narrandera to Tocumwal,” Cr Clarke said.
Results of a study released in 2019 showed the proposed reinstatement of the Narrandera to Tocumwal line would not provide economic benefits that outweigh the initial upfront construction cost and ongoing operational cost.
It was determined that to provide an economic return, would require significant change, including:
- Reduce capital costs by 54 per cent
- Increase freight volume by 41 per cent or 1.4 million additional tonnes, or
- Increase annual volume growth of 5.5 per cent for the entire 30 year evaluation period.
Narrandera Council had made a Fixing Country Rail submission in 2017 for funding of a feasibility study into the reinstatement of the Narrandera to Tocumwal Railway Line, which is part of the NSW Country Regional Network (CRN).
In October 2017, NSW allocated funding from the Restart NSW fund to complete the feasibility study for the reactivation of the 180km non-operational Narrandera to Tocumwal Railway Line in recognition of the significant potential benefits to NSW primary producers, businesses and communities in the region resulting from a potential rail line reinstatement.
The objective and scope of the Feasibility Study included a detailed analysis of the demand for usage of the line, in addition to an economic and financial analysis to determine the strength of the case for reopening. In assessing the economic case, an analysis of the existing infrastructure and upgrade requirements was required, including the identification of potential land use and environmental issues.
The study included:
- Investigating the layout, design and cost of reinstatement works
- Undertaking a detailed assessment of the project’s viability on environmental, social and economic criteria, including an economic cost benefit evaluation
- Identifying any preconstruction requirements to guide the construction of the project, should it proceed.
History of the non-operational 180 kilometre Narrandera to Tocumwal Railway line shows it was successively opened, initially to Jerilderie in 1884, then extended to Berrigan in 1896, Finley in 1898 and Tocumwal in 1914. There was a break of gauge at Tocumwal with the Victorian Railways Goulburn Valley Railway Line.
At Narrandera, the line connects to Griffith to Junee.
The last goods train from Tocumwal to Narrandera operated in 1985, and traffic ceased over the line south of Jerilderie in September 1986. The entire line was no longer in service in December 1988.
Part of the case for the re-opening was that the region produces significant agricultural volumes including grains, rice and horticulture. The majority of goods produced for export within the identified catchment were shipped via the Port of Melbourne.
Tocumwal maintained a regular rail service on the Victorian network.
Another point mentioned in the case was that it was centrally located to reach 80 per cent of the Australian population within eight hours.
Narrandera is located at the south eastern extent of the Murrumbidgee Irrigation Area (MIA), a strategically important food bowl. The major towns along the Narrandera to Tocumwal rail line are also within the rich agricultural areas covering the Coleambally Irrigation area and the Murry Valley Irrigation District.
The region is responsible for a large share of Australia’s agricultural production and serves both domestic and international markets.
A total of nine upgrade options were considered for reinstatement of the Narrandera to Tocumwal line during the assessment process.
It was determined that the reinstatement of the Narrandera to Tocumwal rail line could attract up to 1.7 million tonnes (approximately 75,500 TEU) of southbound containerised freight per annum.
These volumes could include rice, wine, bagged flour, lint cotton, cotton seed and grain.
“Most of these freight generators were clustered around Griffith and Leeton/Narrandera and over half of these volumes already move by rail. However, existing volumes could benefit from a shorter route to port as compared to current routings via Junee. There is over 840,000 tonnes of southbound freight currently moving by road,” the report said.
Regional demand was assessed using both a statistical model and detailed stakeholder consultation. Approximately 100 stakeholders were identified and approached for the study.
The rail infrastructure was found to be mostly intact, apart from a number of rail bridges and track sections removed to accommodate main roads.
“The rail is in reasonable condition however the majority of timber sleepers require replacement. Small under rail concrete culverts are in good condition however most timber components need to be replaced. The majority of rail under bridges are timber and require replacement. Additionally, some bridges require replacement. There are over 100 level crossings that require upgrading to current safety standards,” the report said.
The feasibility study report also provided an economic evaluation of the options to reinstate the Narrandera to Tocumwal rail line.
This article appeared in the Narrandera Argus, 13 June 2024.