History of YoungCare in Queensland
Local identity Daphne Whatley attended a YoungCare function in Brisbane at the weekend, where she was guest speaker. Daphne has been involved in YoungCare since it started in Queensland 20 years ago. During that time Allora has been raising money for YoungCare.
One step closer
47 people helped the Cohuna Lions Club add to the national tally of kilometres for Lap the Map on Saturday when they participated in Cohuna parkrun ... Funds raised go to the Lions Australia Medical Alert Dog Program that provides Diabetic Alert Dogs to people with type 1 diabetes, free of charge.
Days for Girls, empowering others
These wonderful ladies are busy making hygiene kits to send overseas to those who are less fortunate. Members of Allora’s Days for Girls meet on a monthly basis to create essential reusable items for girls and women who don’t have access to feminine hygiene products.
St Leonard’s 125 years of service
Denmark's Anglican Church celebrated the 125th anniversary of the consecration of St Leonard’s on October 20 ... The name St Leonard’s was chosen in 1914 because the French saint (d. 599) established a community for released prisoners in a forest ... Denmark historian Bev McGuinness spoke at the morning service and described how Norwegian carpenters had built the church.
Successful exhibition for Windmill Stitchers
...Windmill Stitchers of Kaniva held their 11th Biennial Exhibition in the Kaniva Shire Hall ... The Stitchers first held an exhibition 20 years ago in 2004. Over the two days of the exhibition, people came from all over the district, surrounding towns and further afield, along with several travellers, to admire the beautiful quilts on display...
Care-bears and creativity show mercy to young traveller: CELC
Catholic Early Learning and Care (CELC) Director Alison Forster commended the children at St Joseph's Outside School Hours Care (OSHC) for their compassion and thoughtfulness in sending homemade gifts and heartfelt messages to support a young international visitor injured in a rock-throwing incident while riding the Kuranda Scenic Rail in Cairns.
Lego display for MND
Naracoorte’s Legorium, a magnificent city of Lego, will soon open for two days in a bid to raise funds for Motor Neuron Disease (MND). Legorium includes three colourful rooms – one 8m x 8m - boasting displays with various Lego themes ... Behind Legorium is Naracoorte’s Angela McLachlan, a self-proclaimed “Lego addict”...
RFDSSE fleet is dedicated to reaching the most remote locations
Did you know there are two different sizes of aircraft in three different configurations that the Royal Flying Doctor Services uses in NSW? ... we are investing in developing a comprehensive database of airstrips we attend so that we have up to date information about the current state of existing airstrips, but also to provide a platform to share updates and consult with airstrip owners in the future.
Udder Delights fundraises for farmers’ mental health: Udder Delights
Pioneering Adelaide Hills cheese producer, Udder Delights, has released a special cheese to help fundraise for the health and wellbeing of farmers and advancement of the agricultural industry. Stocked in Coles and selected independants nationally, 20 cents of the specially labelled Udder Delights Double Cream Brie is donated to the National Centre for Farmer Health...
Open gardens to raise funds for hospice
Serena Kirby. Garden lovers can wander through two of Denmark’s biggest private gardens ... one of the garden owners, Geoff Osborne, said he was opening his garden to raise funds for the Albany Community Hospice. Geoff’s garden spans 4ha and was the creation of him and his wife of 50 years Ruby. She died in June 2021 after spending her final days in the Albany Hospice.
‘Dipper’s’ arrival helps to boost crowd for long-running Mirrool Silo Kick
Sean Cunningham. The added attraction of former Hawthorn Australian footballer Robert “Dipper” DiPierdomenico helped to draw a crowd of about 350 people at the recent Mirrool Silo Kick competition ... “About 30 blokes had a kick,” Silo Kick competition President Jason Bryce said. “Only three got to the grand final ..."
Looking to expand
Cycling Without Age Kerang is seeking to expand its services to other nursing homes, but they require more volunteer cyclists to do so ... The TriBike, a trike bike, is electronically assisted, providing an effortless pedal for the cyclist and a safe and enjoyable ride for up to two passengers.
Taking the plunge for mental health
Sarah Herrmann. More than 30 brave souls waded into the cold Wallaroo seawater at 6.45am last week as part of a national tour to raise awareness and money for mental health ... Australia-wide community movement and not-for-profit organisation Cold Nips completed its 71st of 100 sunrise dips at beaches across the country over 100 days.
Tractor horror – Alex’s eyes on the future
Serena Kirby. Denmark GP Dr Alex Sleeman knows first hand how life can change in an instant. He suffered serious injuries last month when his tractor rolled and pinned him underneath while working on his Peace Street property ... Speaking from his bed in Royal Perth Hospital’s spinal unit, Alex said he was lucky to be alive.
Standing with the Guy Fawkes Heritage Horse Association to champion the legacy of a historical icon!
In an effort to raise much needed funds, the Guy Fawkes Heritage Association is opening its doors at the Ebor Sports and Recreation Grounds for their 20th anniversary on Saturday 12 October ... The Open Day will commence at 10am and see activities such as camp oven cooking by Ranger Nick, who will also facilitate a hands-on damper making workshop for the kids. There will be market stalls, whip cracking, Guy Fawkes Heritage Horse Challenge and conclude with a concert, featuring country music singer James Blundell.
Two open gardens in Robe, 5th and 6th October 2024
Di Michalk. On the weekend of Saturday 05 and Sunday 06 October 2024, we are opening two gardens in Robe as part of our Spring program of open gardens. The garden opens from 10am until 4.30pm, both Saturday and Sunday ... We encourage visitors to bring cash as EFTPOS facilities are not always available.
Lunch Box Rally visits Wilcannia and White Cliffs
Anyone around the streets on Sunday or Monday could not have failed to notice the number of colourful, accessory laden vehicles driving around Wilcannia and White Cliffs. Seventy non-4 wheel drive cars, which had to cost less than $1,500 to purchase or prepare.
From Naracoorte, with love
It’s an unusual story—one we hardly get to hear or read about in Naracoorte. It’s a story of our small community and our people coming together to help raise funds to alleviate the sufferings of women and children in a community and country not part of Australia—Mengaumenau, PNG. Imagine finding yourself in a place where there is no one at all to help you deliver your baby.
Have a scone or two for a good cause with CWA of Victoria at the Melbourne Royal Show 2024
Members of The Country Women's Association of Victoria Inc. (The CWA of Victoria) will be feeding hungry show-goers from their famous cafeteria at this year's Melbourne Royal Show. With 15,605 scones consumed in 2023, what will be the magic number be in 2024? From cooked breakfasts and hearty lunches to enjoying sweet treats including slices, sponge cake and scones with jam and cream - all items are 'guilt free'...
Food services frozen out of funding
A decision by the Victorian government to cease the funding allocation for the regional delivery of chilled products at the end of June 2024 has left some regional FoodShare organisations including Corryong, high and dry without chilled food products … Wendy Lovell, has asked the Minister for Carers and Volunteers … to provide additional funding directly to rural and regional Foodshares to enable them to continue sourcing chilled products.
Volunteers needed to continue a Riverland miracle
Madison Eastmond. A Berri equine charity is searching for volunteers so its therapy services for the wider Riverland community can continue ... Over the past three years, Miracle Park Stables have provided therapeutic avenues for those struggling with mental health and/or have a disability to build self-esteem, self-efficacy, resilience and emotional regulation skills through a variety of programs.
A permanent home has been found
The Directors of the Regional Community Vet Clinic (RCVC) are delighted to announce that after years of hard work to find a suitable location, they have finally secured a permanent home to build their clinic. The clinic, which will be wholly owned by RCVC, will be the first Not-for-Profit community veterinary clinic in regional Victoria.
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