Marapikurrinya Park pop ups coming soon
Earthworks and preliminary works have commenced for the Marapikurrinya Park pop-ups project, delivered in partnership by the Town and BHP. The project is part of the reinvigoration of the West End district, which includes the current greening works. Trade from the pop-ups will boost economic activity, support local job creation and foster skills development.
Timber Towns warns massive job losses if native timber industry closes down
Timber Towns Victoria is calling on the State Government to reconsider its plan to shut down the state’s native timber industry by 2030. Timber Towns President and Deputy Mayor of Glenelg Shire, Cr Karen Stephens said, “This is not the time for the Victorian Government to be taking steps that will cost more jobs, further damage regional communities and economies, and sacrifice a viable resource industry.
Koala haven
Narrandera may be a future home to a critically important research centre for one of the nation’s most iconic species, the koala. A notice of motion was submitted by deputy mayor David Fahey to Narrandera Shire Council to lobby Member for Cootamundra Steph Cooke, Federal Environment Minister Sussan Ley and the NSW Parks and Wildlife Service to establish a Koala Research Centre in Narrandera. Cr Fahey said the centre would research and protect the koala population in the Shire, create a tourism opportunity and employment for the town, and protect the disease-free status of the local koala population.
Caitlin’s job is a perfect fit
Caitlin Vlahos is 25 years old and is in charge of maintenance at Riverina Stockfeeds in Casino. As a student at Casino High School her interest in learning a trade came from doing Industrial Arts with an inspiring teacher, Chris Simpson.
Worker plan food for thought, no panacea
The NFF say today’s release of the much-anticipated National Agriculture Workforce Strategy comes as farmers seek immediate and longer-term answers to crippling worker shortages. NFF CEO Tony Mahar said the strategy unfortunately did not provide a silver bullet but outlined wide-ranging practical measures that if implemented, could increase agriculture's labour pool for the future.
Colin taking big steps as a mentor and role model
Leadership is crucial to any business and Colin Savo is proving to be a key member of Rio Tinto's Weipa team. Colin first caught the attention of Rio Tinto in 2017 when he joined the Rio Tinto and Sodexo-partnered Fit For Work program as a mentor.
Our poor will be hit hard
The impending cut to Jobseeker isn’t only about the hardship those on $40 a day will endure. More than a million dollars a week will be pulled out of our local economy if Jobseeker returns to pre-covid levels.
Renewable timber harvesting to recommence on the South Coast and Eden saving local jobs
Forestry Corporation of NSW is recommencing timber harvesting on the South Coast and Eden with additional environmental safeguards and restates our commitment to ecologically sustainable forest management which ensures good environmental outcomes.
653,600 jobs at risk from net zero emissions target: IPA Report
Coal miners, farmers, and steel and iron workers hold the majority of the 653,600 jobs which could be destroyed by the adoption of a net zero emissions target in Australia, according to new research released by free market think tank the Institute of Public Affairs.
Food Forum squeezes life out of Australia’s growers
Today’s decision by the ANZ Ministerial Forum on Food Regulation to slash the rating for pure, fresh Australian fruit and vegetable juices has failed Australian growers. National Farmers’ Federation (NFF) Chief Executive Tony Mahar described the decision to apply lower Health Star Ratings to fresh juices than those given to chemical-laden diet soft-drinks as baffling.
Accommodation to support hospitality industry
Temporary accommodation will be offered to local hospitality staff in the Clarence Valley to lure more workers to fill vacancies in the hospitality industry.
Pickers need places to stay
There are plenty of blueberries to be picked at Mountain View farm near Tabulam but not enough accommodation for the pickers. Estate agent Amanda Johnson desperately needs places in Bonalbo, Tabulam, Drake and Mallanganee for the visiting pickers.
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