Tangible progress has been made with the Local Development Strategy (LDS) ‘Innovation Upper Murray’, with several opportunities now at Stage 3 of the process – developing projects, with community members and experts, through Innovation Working Groups (IWG).
Funded by the Victorian government and supported by key stakeholders (Upper Murray Incorporated, Towong Shire Council, the Victorian Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action, and RMIT University), ‘Innovation Upper Murray’ aims to help the region’s community and businesses develop opportunities for innovation, economic diversification and undertake long-term planning.
The latest opportunities initially identified through the project include:
A connected Upper Murray tourism ecosystem
This proposition recognises the extensive efforts to date in the region and community to develop and position its tourism sector to thrive, as well as initiatives in the pipeline such as adventure tourism infrastructure.
It looks at developing creative ways to better connect and build on what the region already has, to encourage higher visitation rates. It is assumed that by filling this missing link, the confidence and viability to develop commercial opportunities associated with the sector will grow – from accommodation to bespoke experiences.
A range of opportunities were discussed and three are to be re-evaluated. The aim of the next workshop will be to investigate these ideas and look at funding ideas.
Conservation ecology centre
This innovation opportunity was relying on the Upper Murray being a ‘pristine’ environment and possible home for endangered species to be maintained and protected.
The process confirmed that there is vested interest from stakeholders to keep the network live and focus on restoration projects. However, no distinctive big-scale opportunity that would benefit community, businesses etc. was identified as a coherent project to move forward within the context of the LDS. It was agreed ecology as a holistic approach should be integrated in the discussions of other innovation opportunities – particularly agriculture and tourism.
Ideas being turned into reality
Agriculture, hydro power and bimass production are also on the planning board.
Empowering next generation agriculture
This opportunity is about empowering the Upper Murray producers to develop and lead future agriculture production systems that leverage the region’s distinct seasonal growing conditions, drought resilience and future market opportunities, giving the region a competitive advantage in a climate impacted world.
A first IWG session evaluated the potential to unlock greater water access in the region. The following interactive session explored how to leverage data and data-driven decision making, technologies and modern practices to improve productivity, sustainability and overall producer/regional market competitiveness.
Pumped hydro
This proposition builds on Upper Murray Incorporated’s Upper Murray Place Based Power Plan (UMPBPP) developed to embed a more resilient, reliable and low emissions electricity system for the region. Primarily focused on implementing a series of microgrids across the region to enable self-sufficiency in energy generation, storage and distribution, the plan recognised the potential for pumped hydro in the region.
The IWG focusing on this opportunity is first undertaking a due diligence approach for a Berringama site. This is to lay out a detailed step-by-step approach that will break down the scope, required government structure and investment for each step of feasibility phase.
Utilisation of plantation and agriculture biomass
This opportunity is looking at current biomass products from plantation, agriculture and community/food business activities to create higher value products through biomanufacturing or local regional inputs.
Participants of the recently formed IWG reviewed the list of biomass and by-products available in the Upper Murray and considered the most viable options output (outcome). It was agreed that before going into feasibility study, a ‘feedstock audit’ (biomass material audit) of the assets across both sides of the border is necessary. This will be used to seek input from industry experts and leaders from similar community projects to inform the most viable options for the Upper Murray region.
More information about each innovation opportunity can be found on the InnovationUpperMurray.org website.
If you want to participate in any of the workshops, make sure you register your interest online or contact uppermurrayinc@gmail.com.
This article appeared in the Corryong Courier, 5 December 2024.