Monday, February 10, 2025

Leadership opportunities at Maldon Inc.

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The local traders association Maldon Inc. held its annual general meeting (AGM) last Tuesday 12 November but has yet to attract a new president or secretary. Barry Robinson has served as president of the organisation since 2022 and Lindsay Calloway from Warral Maldon has been serving as secretary. The committee has, in those two years, paved the way for continuing growth and innovation and Barry is remaining on the committee to ensure a smooth handover to whomever steps up into the role.

Committee members applauded Barry’s efforts at the helm. Luz Restrepo said, “Look at the huge changes in recent years, due to Barry’s persistence.” Outgoing secretary Lindsay thanked Barry for two amazing years as president and said it seemed like 10 years of work has been achieved.

Barry acknowledged that there is reduced enthusiasm for joining committees in 2024 but said the organisation is considering the creation of an advisory board, so people can contribute to certain topics or on certain projects in which they specialise. “Now Maldon Inc. is being a curator/promoter and asking others to step up and be involved in the way you want to be involved,” he said.

After the outgoing President’s Report, the AGM featured guest speakers Bruce Turner from Victorian Goldfields Railway (VGR), Councillor-elect Rosalie Hastwell and Economic Development Coordinator Daniel Bone from Mount Alexander Shire Council. The common themes were around working together towards strategic thinking, plus the links between business success and community wellbeing.

The vote was taken for a new committee, with Peter Christen of Panacea Estate, Bruce Turner from VGR, Lisa Speed from This Little Piggy accepted as ordinary members. Artist Catherine Tait returns to her role as treasurer and Barry Robinson remains as an ordinary member during the transition period. Bendigo consulting firm Business Management Specialists has been appointed as the statutory manager of Maldon Inc. until a permanent secretary is secured.

With a strong team, positive plans in place and enthusiasm for future activities, Barry Robinson said the organisation is in great shape for a new president and secretary. “What sort of one-plus-one-equals-three impact can we have?” he challenged the meeting. “How do we reignite people’s desire to be part of something, to make something happen?” Now is your chance.

Tarrangower Times 22 November 2024

This article appeared in the  Tarrangower Times, 22 November 2024.


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