Thursday, February 20, 2025

Golf clinic for the schools

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Golf NSW Western Region Manager Gary Begg thought it would be a good idea to bring Senior Regional Manager for Jack Newton Junior Golf, Mark Ingrey to Wilcannia to show him the world of golf in the far west, and the struggles the Club has in maintaining the course, particularly in wet periods. They conducted four clinics on the 13th August for students from both schools.

Each student was given a basket of balls, but no tees, and placed in a line across number 1 fairway. They were then shown how to get the club under the ball and hit it, long and straight.

Gary explained to the kids, most of whom thought they needed a tee to start with, that most of the shots you make in a game are not off the tee, they are on the fairway.

So by not using tees when learning they were working on hitting the ball properly for the most number of shots in a normal game.

From comments made, it was enjoyed by the students and the couple of former students who happened along.

On Saturday 21st September Gary will conduct a “Come and Try” day for anyone interested.

A BBQ lunch will be provided.

As footie will be over by then, a great sport to take up for the summer months. Kids, adults, families, all welcome.

Wilcannia News September 2024

This article appeared in the Wilcannia News, September 2024.


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