Thursday, February 13, 2025

Chloe excels

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Former Donald High School student, Chloe Frank, has been selected for one of the 19 spots in the AgriFutures Horizons Scholarship for 2024.

Chloe, daughter of Andrew and Nadine Frank, of Carron, grew up on their mixed cropping farm gaining an early interest in agriculture.

Following her time at Donald High School, she took a gap year to travel north along the coast of New South Wales and Queensland, working on fruit farms and considering the tertiary path she was to take in the future.

“I have always been passionate about agriculture and grateful for my upbringing on the farm,” she said.

“My time away from home consolidated my intention to be involved in rural industries in my adult life.”

Since commencing study for a Bachelor of Agricultural Science at Charles Sturt University, Chloe has completed a wool classing stencil and works at a wool store in Wagga, saying her grandfather might be to blame for inspiring her particular interest in sheep and wool.

“This, alongside a very fortunate upbringing on our family property, always having positive and encouraging parents and family members, and supportive colleagues, has resulted in me being very passionate about broadening my experience in mixed farming, and I aim to better my knowledge every day,” Chloe said.


The AgriFutures scholarship is an initiative supporting students enrolled in full time study at an Australian university by providing a bursary of $5000 per year for the final two years of their degree; professional development workshops; annual industry work placements aligned with the scholar’s areas of interest and their sponsor’s industry; and opportunities to network and gain knowledge at a range of industry events.

Now in her third year of study at Charles Sturt University, Chloe is honoured and excited to be selected for an AgriFutures Horizon Scholarship, in partnership with her industry sponsor, Meat and Livestock Australia.

“I have always been grateful for the work MLA does in extending opportunity for my family as meat producers and cannot wait to broaden my knowledge on meat and livestock under their guidance,” said Chloe.

“It will be such a privilege to meet with other scholars, be guided by MLA, and connect with other young people who also want to contribute to the success of rural communities.

“The work experience and opportunities provided by being involved with MLA will be invaluable as I come to the end of my studies and look to a career in this area.”

The Buloke Times 31 May 2024

This article appeared in The Buloke Times, 31 May 2024.


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