Monday, April 29, 2024

Introducing Murribrook ET & Recipient Services

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Murribrook ET & Recipient Services

With more than 40 years of experience, Murribrook ET & Recipient Services stands as one of the foremost names in cattle embryo transfer management in Australia. Our dedication to successful results has earned us a reputable position in the market.

Having operated the highly successful Murribrook Holsteins stud dairy herd, producing hundreds of live calves through successful embryo transfer programs, we are now excited to offer our decades of knowledge and experience in embryo transfer to the Australian cattle industry.

Donor management

More than 40 years of donor management experience ensures our expertise in successful embryo production.

Recipient management

Have recipients ready? Our tailored program delivers optimal pregnancy rates for successful results.

Recently, Murribrook undertook pregnancy testing on 22 recipients and obtained a 90 per cent pregnancy rate on fresh, conventional embryos which were implanted into recipients supplied by Murribrook. For context, the American Embryo Transfer Association states that the average pregnancy rate is between 50-60 per cent:

American Embryo Transfer Association Video

How Murribrook Recipient Management works:

  1. Murribrook would require possession of the recipients for a minimum of 6 weeks prior to implanting the embryos. This allows the recipients time to settle as well as to get them on optimal nutrition and a health management program to ensure the best chance of a high pregnancy rate.
  2. Whilst the recipients are at Murribrook, an agistment fee for each cow and calf unit or for each dry cow depending on what recipients a client supplies.
  3. Murribrook charges a fee for every pregnant recipient once pregnancy testing on recipients has been carried out.

Recipient supply

You can count on Murribrook for premium recipients carrying your top-quality embryos


Murribrook ET & Recipient Services
Moss Vale, NSW – Borambola, NSW
0419 431 661

Murribrook ET & Recipient Services will be exhibiting at the Agri Show,
1 – 2 September 2023, Moss Vale Showground, New South Wales.


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