Thursday, February 20, 2025

Crops – fire warning

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A safety reminder from the CFA to farmers during harvest to ensure machinery such as headers are regularly inspected and maintained, and moving parts such as bearings are cleaned of any material on hot engine components. After heavy rains, there is extra growth around that makes the chance of fires highly likely.

CFA volunteer firefighters respond to more than 200 harvesting-related fires a year on average.

“As the vegetation dries out, there is an increase to fire risks which are caused by machinery,” CFA Chief Officer Jason Heffernan warned.

“Rainfall and flooding activity across the state has delayed harvesting season this year; many farmers are set to begin in the far northwest and west of the state towards the end of November.

“Awareness is the key to avoiding harvester fires. This season will see farmers working in challenging conditions as they harvest their crops, but it is important that machinery and equipment is regularly maintained and cleaned, as well as inspected thoroughly before and during use,” he said.  

Always have adequate fire fighting equipment available in paddocks and be fire aware and prepared. Check the CFA website for more information:


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