Friday, February 14, 2025



Blank Canvas Central Coast

From headland to hinterland, the Central Coast boasts a vibrant community of makers and creators. A selection of works from outstanding local ‘Makers and Creators’ will be featured across April as part of the inaugural creative activation Blank Canvas Central Coast.

Whyalla uneARTh Festival 2021

Back with a brand new format, Whyalla's award winning uneARTh Festival is sure to offer a great experience for everyone.

Bursting with bridge happiness

Last week Kyogle mayor Danielle Mulholland said she couldn’t hold onto the news any longer or she would burst when the announcement was made that Kyogle Council would receive $40.3 million in state funding to replace 84 bridges.

Station not up to scratch, says Council

Narrandera’s century old police station has been branded as outdated and the community’s plea for a new station will be on the NSW Police Minister’s desk this week. Member for Cootamundra Steph Cooke has heeded the call from Narrandera Shire Council and is due to speak with Minster for Police and Emergency Services David Elliott.

Clarence Valley revs its ‘growth engine’

Geoff Helisma. “It is my intention to provide RDA Northern Rivers with a copy of the Clarence Valley Regional Economic Development Strategy [2018 – 2022],” Clarence Valley mayor, Jim Simmons: wrote in his minute, “which identifies [CVC’s] ‘Engines of Growth’ as being tourism, agriculture (beef cattle, blueberries, macadamias and sugar cane), aquaculture, forestry, logging, sawmilling, marine manufacturing and logistics. I see our focus being on growing these ‘Engines of Growth’, along with improving our digital connectivity within the area, to capitalise on the state government’s recent decision to decentralise the public sector workforce to regional areas"

Dingo management update

MidCoast Council is again asking the community to refrain from approaching or feeding Dingoes in the Tea Gardens / Hawks Nest area following the need for lethal control of a sub-adult pack this week. The three males and two females had been involved in at least five incidents involving people and domestic pets over the last month, all increasing in ferocity ... "We are all really disappointed that it has come to this," said Council's Senior Ecologist, Mat Bell.

Rural land to E zones in NSW

The NSW State Government announced on 10 March 2021 that The Minister for Planning will issue a new section 9.1 direction (to the Koala SEPP) to ensure that only the Minister, and not councils, will be empowered to rezone land used for primary production to an environmental zone (E zone), or to rezone land currently in rural zones 1, 2 and 3 to other rural zones.

Wartime gun restored to former glory

After nearly 20 years of waiting, a rare World War II artefact has finally been restored to its former glory and unveiled to the public. The 40mm Bofur gun – one of only 11 produced during the wartime year of 1942 – has been part of the Whyalla Maritime Museum collection since the early 1990s, desperately awaiting restoration due to age-related deterioration.

Council wraps up upgrade of War Memorial surrounds

When it was built in 1924, the Rockhampton War Memorial was the largest and most expensive war memorial to be built in Queensland, outside of Brisbane. The plants surrounding the spire are symmetrically apart at precisely 30 °– this allows the daylight shadow cast by the spire to cross the encircling palms like the hour hand of a clock from sunrise to sunset

The Scenic Rim is growing – you can help plan for the future

Mayor Greg Christensen said a survey will open next Wednesday 17 March and encouraged the Scenic Rim community to have their say on Council's first-ever region-wide growth management strategy.

The future of funerals in the spotlight

The future of funerals is in the spotlight following community feedback showing increased interest in more eco-friendly burial options. Sunshine Coast Council is investigating natural burial sites within existing cemeteries.

Celebrate National Playgroup Week!

Mount Alexander Shire Council is celebrating National Playgroup Week (24-30 March) by hosting a pop up playgroup in Victory Park on Friday 26 March. Families with children aged 0-5 years are invited to come along and see what playgroup is all about. They can also try a craft activity, listen to a story, learn a new song and connect with other families.

Shire successfully prosecutes owner following vicious dog attack

The successful prosecution in the Derby Courthouse on 10 March 2021 of a vicious dog attack is a timely reminder for all dog owners of their responsibilities towards their dogs. The Shire of Derby/West Kimberley brought about a prosecution of a local dog owner whose dogs attacked a holiday maker in February 2020. At the time, the attack left the woman in hospital overnight, unable to work for about three weeks, with long term scarring and a fear of dogs. The Court imposed a fine and court costs of over $5000.

Council pawsitive about Animal Management Strategy

Community education, vet partnerships, and pet registrations are just some of the key items outlined in Council’s newly adopted Animal Management Strategy. The strategy was officially endorsed by Council this week and will now set the direction for animal management in the Rockhampton Region until 2023.

Latest Mount Morgan water restrictions

Level 6 Water Restrictions will be implemented in Mount Morgan from Monday 15 March, following the news that the No. 7 Dam has fallen to below 10% capacity. However, the water conservation by Mount Morgan residents means watering of private gardens can continue ... Cr Rutherford: “Residents have worked so hard to keep plants and veggie patches alive despite the hot dry weather, and to say watering would no longer be possible would have been very tough."

Desperate locals push for parks, not houses

The first Ed Boyd knew of the Richmond Valley Council’s idea to turn five small parks into housing lots was when he read an article in the Independent at home on a Wednesday evening. He was stirred to action and immediately organised a public rally under the camphor laurel tree in Sunnyside Park on Sandilands St in Casino.

Join the emu parade

Geoff Helisma. According to Clarence Valley Council there are fewer than 50 coastal emus remaining along the east coast of Australia and only 36 individuals in the Taloumbi/Tyndale/Pillar Valley region, if the estimates in CVC’s Natural Resource Management Coastal Emus: Sighting Data Analysis, July 2020 are correct.

Bipartisan support for tourism investment in Jarrahdale

The Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale has welcomed two recent announcements which show bipartisan support to grow the region’s local tourism industry ... “We welcome these funding commitments from the major political parties as we work to grow and enhance our local trails and tourism industry, together,” Cr Rich said. “Domestic tourism has never been more important, with Western Australians looking to their own backyards for holiday ideas.

Over 130 street trees planted

Planting has finished with round one of Maitland City Council’s Community Street Tree Planting Program seeing 136 trees installed during February. Expressions of interest were called from residents in September 2020, and the positive level of response received highlighted people’s interest in environmentally driven projects and green spaces in Maitland.

Lack of consultation on new Koala SEPP a concern for farmers

NSW Farmers is concerned by a lack of consultation with landholders around new koala regulations and what they will mean for farmers. NSW Farmers’ President James Jackson said it was disappointing the agreement made with the Premier last year to protect koalas and farms had been torn up.

NSW Government delivers Koala SEPP 2021

“This is a win for regional NSW and balances the interests of farmers and the protection of koalas and their habitat,” Mr Barilaro said. “Land zoned for primary production or forestry in regional NSW will not be subject to the new SEPP, which means farmers will not be strangled by red tape."

Extraordinary community response to emergency evacuation

Roper Gulf Regional Council would like to thank everyone who was involved in the emergency evacuation of the Jilkminggan community on Thursday 25 February 2021. The decision was made by the Local Emergency Committee to evacuate 211 people from Jilkminggan as flood waters continued to rise and surround the community.

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