The Department of Transport has clarified what kind of fishing is allowed in the Two Rocks marina.
A department spokesman said the placement of crab pots and floats had always been prohibited within all Department of Transport marinas, to ensure safe navigation of vessels.
“Rod-and-line and handline fishing is permitted in the Two Rocks marina but anyone using fishing rods within the marina needs to ensure their lines do not impact on the safe navigation of vessels moving within the marina and there is signage stating no fishing near the boat launching area of the marina boat ramp,’’ he said.
“Fishing from boat pens is not permitted in any Department of Transport facility (but) fishing with rods is permitted from the common user jetty at Two Rocks.’’
He said Yanchep Secondary College still used the marina as part of their marine education program under an agreement with the Department of Transport.
The boating guide Two Rocks and Moore River safety guide brochure says unless special permission is obtained from Two Rock marina management placing fishing nets, pots, lines or floats within the harbour or entrance channel is prohibited so Yanchep News Online asked the department to clarify what is allowed at the marina.
This article appeared on Yanchep News Online on 13 January 2025.