Peter Moyle, Nimbin Bushwalkers Club, The Nimbin GoodTimes
What a great month – at last consistent clear weather on our scheduled walks. We revisited the secluded and difficult to access 38/38 Chasm, a wonderland of ferns, waterfalls, sheer cliffs, and majestic palms. Recommended for experienced walkers and should be accessed with a group. We used some of the new multi day walking tracks recently built by National Parks, a terrific addition to The Whian Whian State Conservation Area. More great walks to add to this easily accessible location. With the well set up camping area at Rummery Park a few days exploring the trails very rewarding without needing too much experience, as usual highly recommended.
Our annual pilgrimage to The Gibraltar Ranges National Park finished the month. The park is located 100km west of Grafton but well worth the drive. Twelve members made the trip and spent four days exploring Granite country at 1000m on the tablelands. Mild weather made for some easy and enjoyable treks up the mountains and down into the valleys, with abundant spring flowers on full display. The late winter rains had the creeks and waterfalls flowing freely, and the refreshing cool-off in the waterholes was invigorating. We are already scheduling a return next year.
Walks programme
Sunday 10th November – Brunswick Heads into the Tyagarah Nature Reserve
Leader: Sha East 0421-653-201
Grade: 2. Walking from the Boat Harbour along the river before a walk on the breakwater then on the coastal track south all up about 11 km, diversions to view of Simpsons Creek, a relaxing walk on a sand track/road some paperbark forest and coastal heath. This is a lovely bit of coastline, which has seen rehabilitation and maintenance. Return on the beach. Flat terrain with sand tracks and possible wet feet if you miss a wave on the beach or a puddle on the track. Meet: 9.00am at the carpark on the river behind the old Co-Op at the Brunswick Boat Harbour. Bring: water, lunch and hat. I am sure a nice spot for a coffee after can be found.
Sunday 24th November – Gidjuum Gulganyi walk, Whian Whian State Conservation Area
Leader: Peter Moyle 0412-656-498
Grade: 3. We will be walking on new tracks cut through the bush by National Parks as part of the four-day Unicorn Falls to Minyon Falls walk. A variety of terrain and bush will be walked. Gidjuum Gulganyi translates to ‘Old Peoples Track’ so with a grade of 3 appropriately named. We will be walking about 12 km. A lot of work has gone into these tracks with stone steps and some gravel sections. We will also visit Camp 3 of the multi-day walk with its impressive facilities. Meet: 9am Rummery Park camp area near Minyon Falls. Bring: Water lunch, and hat. Good walking footwear as always.
This article appeared in The Nimbin GoodTimes, November 2024.