Hugh Schuitemaker, Murray Pioneer
The State Government says the Riverland’s wildlife and plant species are seeing benefits of increased environmental water, however, senior local politicians have described the announcement as “misleading”.
The State Government on Monday announced record environmental water releases were delivered to South Australia in the 2023-24 financial year.
Minister for Environment, and deputy premier, Susan Close said “the outcomes of water releases are clear, they deliver widespread benefits to our environment and our native wildlife”.
“Deliveries of water for the environment to our stretch of the River Murray are vital to ensure the health of the system, which also includes the Coorong, Lower Lakes and Murray Mouth,” Dr Close said.
“A healthy river system is good news for everyone, including primary producers that rely on the River Murray for their livelihoods.
“All of this work highlights the importance of recovering the final 450 gigalitres of environmental water under the Murray- Darling Basin Plan to ensure we deliver better outcomes for the River Murray.
However, Chaffey MP Tim Whetstone said the increased environmental flows were due to high storage volumes and the 2022-23 flood event.
“First and foremost, the (State) Government has not achieved any environmental water,” Mr Whetstone said.
“The environment has been the beneficiary of environmental flow, and that flow has been the proceeds of record catchment storage, (and) the most recent flood event.
“What I’m allergic to is the government taking credit for what is the way the river has received significant in flows.”
Mr Whetstone urged local irrigators to avoid participating in water buyback programs based on potential environmental benefits.
“The minister needs to be held to account for the water she’s taking out of our local economy, without looking at ways she can provide certainty with our environment, or economy and our communities,” he said.
Riverland-based MLC, and opposition spokesperson for water resources and the River Murray, Nicola Centofanti, said the State Government’s claims surrounding environmental water were “at best misleading”.
“While I agree with (Dr Close) that a healthy river is vital for river communities, production, and subsequently the environment, I do not agree that the latest delivery of water is any proof of Labor’s good management,” Dr Centofanti said.
“This water – from the Goulburn and Murrumbidgee – is coming off the back of previous good rains. Commonwealth Environment Water Holders (CEWH) themselves noted two months ago that the reason for the high volumes of water being released is because of previous wet conditions.
“When it rains a lot, there is more water to release downstream, it’s as simple as that. This is nothing more than standard water-sharing arrangements.
This article appeared in the Murray Pioneer, 30 October 2024.
Related story: Record environmental flows for SA show Murray Darling Basin Plan back on track: Close; and see: Murray Darling Basin Plan