It’s well known that one of the best way to fight mental illness is to begin the conversation and the Westbrook Truck Drivers Association is doing exactly that with a get-together on 16th November at Nobby’s iconic Rudd’s Pub.
Spokesperson for the group, Darren Eyers said truck drivers in particular are reluctant to talk about any form of mental illness and hopes that the day at Rudd’s Pub will provide an avenue for discussion.
The venue has ample parking available for trucks and caravans and the $10 admission includes a basic hamburger and sausage sizzle and entry into a $500 Lucky Door Prize.
Live music by Kev Smith will contribute to a relaxed atmosphere as will a bit of fun with Movember Shave and lots of raffles.
The day starts at 9am and continues till late.
All proceeds from the day go to Our House Our Haven, an innovative nurse led mental health not for profit organisation at Karalee delivering sophisticated mental health and support services for individuals and families.
Our House Our Haven is committed to supporting client needs in a safe, welcoming community setting, with the provision of the best mental health care available.
Our House Our Haven specialises in the treatment of severe and complex mental health issues, including PTSD and major depression and services private and NDIS funded clients.
Darren Eyers said the day was about raising awareness of mental illness not just for truck drivers but for all people involved in the transport industry.
The Westbrook Truck Drivers Association organised a similar day at Gatton a little while back called “Lights on the Hill’ and 1600 trucks attended.
With suicide numbers right across society reaching alarming numbers any event aiming to curb this statistic should be widely supported.
This article appeared in On Our Selection News, 24 October 2024.