Despite a number of delays caused by the Corryong streetscape project, the re-opening of the Youth Space in Hanson Street will go ahead tomorrow.
In 2021, Upper Murray Innovation Foundation (UMIF) – the Corryong Neighbourhood Centre (CNC) Community Foundation – received a federal Black Summer Bushfire Recovery Grant to refurbish and re-equip the Youth Space at 42 Hanson Street. This funding was ‘topped-up’ by a Border Trust grant which got the renovation ball rolling and contributed to the new furnishings and equipment.
“This has been a long slow process over three years but is now finally complete,” said CNC co-ordinator, Sara Jenkins.
“We were hoping to hold the official re-opening back in August but decided to defer it when the streetscape works finally reached the front of the youth space building two weeks before the planned date.
“Following advice, we deferred for a month, then another as the fencing across the front of the building remained firmly in place.
“Sadly, we can wait no longer.
“The works grind on but the final grant report is due at the end of the month and we just have to manage the best we can with the fencing and the noise.”
The centre has evolved since first being transformed into a Youth Space from an obsolete computer lab in 2013.
” It has provided a safe place for many young people over the years to connect with one another away from the demands of school or home environments.
The activities offered and the structure of the CNC Youth Program have also evolved in response to funding and youth identified needs and this has never been more evident than following the bushfires and the impacts of the pandemic and beyond.
“We have endeavoured to keep the Youth Space open, equipped and managed as much as possible through these challenging times,” Sara said.
“As is the nature of young people, they grow up and their interests change but we hope that each individual who has been able to utilise the space at any point, can look back and appreciate its value to them and to the community.”
Some major elements of the renovation have included:-
- the removal of interior walls separating the main room and the kitchen
- replacing the floor and flooring
- completely re-designing the bathroom
- adding a storage container and a back deck with BBQ
- designing, building and planting the youth garden
- re-painting all interior walls
- upgrading equipment and facilities including a multi-purpose pool table, recording booth, kitchen facilities, digital and analogue games and new furniture and furnishings.
“We would like to thank everyone who has been involved and helped bring this project to life including the many young people who have participated in designing, deciding, purchasing and installing all aspects of the project,” Sara added.
“Although usually reserved for young people aged 12-25, this Friday we welcome the entire community to come into the Youth Space and see what we have on offer.”
Come to the Youth Space between noon and 3pm, have a look around and talk to the Youth Team about what we are doing. From 3pm there will be games and activities for young people leading up to the usual Friday Night Movie at 7pm.
The Youth Space is generally open after school from 3pm, afternoons during school holidays and for scheduled youth events. Keep an eye on social media and CNC advertising in the Corryong Courier and check out the Youth Space window for more information on what’s on.
In breaking news, the CNC has just received advice that the street works will have further impact on the youth space activities.
“After pulling together the event this Friday, the youth space will have to be completely closed next week while works are finished out the front of the building,” Sara said.
“Regular activities including Wednesday Art and the Halloween D&D will still be on and can be accessed through the back garden and deck.”
This article appeared in the Corryong Courier, 24 October 2024.