Monday, February 17, 2025

Miles doing what matters: Greater Glider Forest Park protected area for Queensland: Linard, Saunders

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The Hon. Leanne Linard, Minister for the Environment and the Great Barrier Reef and Minister for Science and Innovation (Qld), The Hon. Bruce Saunders, Assistant Minister for Train Manufacturing, Regional Development and Jobs (Qld), and Member for Maryborough, Joint Media Release, 31 August 2024

Environment Minister Leanne Linard has announced 54,000 hectares of greater glider habitat in South East Queensland state forest will be transitioned to a new natural capital tenure.

With it, the Miles Labor Government will establish a Greater Glider Forest Park.

Of the 54,000 hectares, 7,500 hectares are set to be placed into Natural Capital Reserve as a potential strategic advance offset for the critical Borumba Pumped Hydro project.

It’s one of the first steps towards protecting our unique biodiversity, while supporting a strong and sustainable forest and timber industry.

The action follows the launch of the Queensland Sustainable Timber Industry Framework terms of reference in June 2024, which prioritised growing Queensland’s protected area estate.

The creation of a new Greater Glider Forest Park will not just support the forest industry, but also demonstrates the Miles Labor Government’s commitment to sustainable development more broadly.

The greater glider (Petauroides volans) is an iconic marsupial, listed as endangered under both Queensland and national environmental laws. A dedicated park is a strategic step towards protecting this species.

The Greater Glider Forest Park areas will expand and link existing but fragmented protected areas, ranging from near Conondale National Park in the Sunshine Coast Hinterland northward through to Cordalba National Park (near Childers) to conserve core greater glider habitat.

Quotes attributable to Minister for the Environment and the Great Barrier Reef and Minister for Science and Innovation Leanne Linard:

“This Government has committed a record $262.5 million over four years to grow our protected areas—the single largest investment of its kind in Queensland’s history.

“Since 2015, around 1.88 million hectares of land has been added to the protected area system, increasing from 13.1 million hectares to almost 15 million hectares protected.

“Today’s announcement builds on the hard work we are doing across Queensland to future-proof populations of threatened species.

“Queensland’s Protected Area Strategy will continue to protect the natural and cultural values of vitally important ecosystems.”

Quotes attributable to Assistant Minister for Train Manufacturing, Regional Development and Jobs, and Member for Maryborough Bruce Saunders:

“I know how important Queensland’s timber industry is to our state’s housing and building sectors.

“That’s why the Miles Labor Government is supporting timber workers and the industry to continue building our state, while also increasing our protected area estate.

“The terms of reference we released in June mapped out our priorities as a government, including environmental protections.

“A Greater Glider Forest Park is an important step towards supporting this iconic endangered species, the forestry industry and sustainable development.

“I’m proud to be part of a government that is doing what matters to protect what makes our state great.”

Quotes attributable to Queensland Conservation Council Director Dave Copeman:

“I’m delighted at the new forest park celebrating the iconic greater glider, Australia’s largest gliding possum.

“We strongly welcome this new 54,000 hectare refuge for greater gliders.

“Glider habitat continues to be logged and cleared on both private and public lands across their range, so every hectare we can save is critical.

“It is a much-needed breather for one of our cutest and irreplaceable Queenslanders, the greater glider.

“The new park will protect vital habitat.

“It’s urgent we do all we can to save this incredible Queensland animal from extinction, and we congratulate the Queensland Government on this action.”

Further information:

Work is also underway to streamline the regulatory processes needed to facilitate the transfer of state forests not subject to timber harvest to protected areas under the Nature Conservation Act 1992, and a re-elected Miles Government would introduce legislative amendments to Parliament by the end of the year.

This includes the establishment of ‘Natural Capital Reserves’ to support the transfers.

As a holding tenure, Natural Capital Reserves will allow for the assessment of conservation values, investigation of strategic advanced offset and restoration opportunities, identification and resolution of existing land uses and native title matters before the appropriate final protected area tenure arrangements are determined by the end of 2026.

Native timber harvesting in these areas will no longer be permitted and this will enable the government to consider the most appropriate tenues and uses for this land into the future, including for offsets for government priorities.

This includes 7,500 hectares to be placed into Natural Capital Reserve, as a potential strategic advance offset for the critical Borumba Pumped Hydro project.

This will ensure this area, which is high value glider habitat close to the Borumba Pumped Hydro site, is not subject to native timber harvesting while Queensland Hydro determines whether this area should form part of the offsets put forward for consideration under the Environmental Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (Cth).

The Queensland Sustainable Timber Industry Framework will be in place by mid-2025 and will be finalised with support from a dedicated stakeholder advisory group.

The Queensland Sustainable Timber Industry Framework Terms of Reference are available online here.
Related story: Forestry Australia says Queensland Government have jumped gun on Greater Glider Forest Park


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