Course Language, Buloke Times
Last weekend saw one of the club’s “Board” events held in the Maurie Tranter Memorial Mixed.
The winners for the fourth time were Colin “Pug” and Maree Cullen with 83=13 ½ – 69 ½.
Runners-up in the event were Luke Kelly and Maree Egan with 83-11 ¼ – 71 ¾.
An extra men’s event was played as well with the winner being Luke Kelly with 37 points followed by Jacob Bath on 36 points on a count-back from Brad Bath.
The “Nearest The Pins” were: Donald Auto Elec 3rd, Maree Egan; Weirs IGA 7th, Luke Kelly; Nufarm 14th, Pug Cullen; Bendigo Bank 16th, Pug Cullen.
Brad Bath did have a birdie on the Beaurepaires sponsored 2nd as well as an Eagle on the par 4, 6th hole.
Junior Golf
Last Friday saw a few more keen junior golfers turn up, with Luca Rice winning the Harvest Cafe pizza and Brady Cumming winning the Harvest Café milkshake. All of the others there were given prizes as well.
Dad’s Army
Six veterans did battle at Dad’s Army last Thursday, with Peter Kelly’s 25 points good enough to take the honours.
Coming Up
This week is once again the Donald Motorcycles Sponsored Monthly Medal and Pies Putting. Culgoa Tournament is also on this weekend.
Heard at the 19th
Sam and Jo Beavis teamed up for the Mixed event on Sunday, resplendent in their matching Hawaiian shirts. They may have set a precedent that other golfers may have to try and match?
Pug was a bit hesitant on having his photo taken after his win on the weekend. He said that his hat had caused him to have “hat hair” and he couldn’t do anything with it (see photo).
Dad Jokes
I’ve just bought a new suit made out of cactus leaves – I think I look really sharp in it.
On my walk the other day I saw a man holding a pair of boots up to his ear – apparently, he was listening to sole music.
I went to a pub the other day called “The Light Brigade” – they certainly know how to charge.
This article appeared in The Buloke Times, 9 August 2024.