Dorrigo & Guy Fawkes Agricultural Association Inc
Dorrigo Show is BACK! Bigger, Better and Brighter than Ever!
There has been much detailed planning for Dorrigo’s first show in three years.
As a lead up to the Show, the Society hosted a very popular Show Ball, the first in 40 years. It was well supported with 118 people attending. It was a night filled with old time dancing, laughter, lots of raffle prizes, and an Auction to raise some funds.
This year for the first time in history the long-standing Show Girl Competition has been replaced with a Young Woman of the Year Award. Local participants were announced at the Show Society’s highly successful Show Ball. They were Leah Sinclair, Hannah Sinclair and Savannah Harris. The winner was local girl Leah Sinclair, currently working in Coffs Harbour as a pharmacy assistant. Leah will represent Dorrigo at the Zone Final at Walcha in February, next year.
This year’s show theme is “ Women in Agriculture “ and with the three senior positions on the society occupied by women it will be a traditional country show with a special focus on women on the land, not just as support people but has leaders and independent managers.
“We are really looking forward to Dorrigo Show, 2022,” Show Society President Sally Duckett announced.
Great News! Return of Old Favourites
The Farm Waste to Art Competition’ and ‘The Fruit & Vegetable Art Competition’ will be held at the 2022 Dorrigo Show. Entry details and more are available on the Society’s website.
The 2022 Show will officially start at 8am on Friday 25 November with Horse events, Beef cattle judging will start at 1pm, followed by the opening of the Pavilion, Traders lane and Side Show Ally.
7pm will see the return of the Popular Rodeo with lots of food vans and Bar.
Saturday 26 November will be the continuation of Horse events, dairy and beef cattle judging, Bush Dog Trials, Poultry, Woodchop, Vintage Bikes, Cars and Tractors. Local Band – Cash Strapped will keep patrons entertained and the Catering Committee will keep patrons well fed.
The younger generation will not be forgotten, with the Treasure Hunt, face painting, Hulistic Hoops and Animal Nursery Exhibitors will have the opportunity to parade their animals / vehicles in the Grand Parade at 2pm followed by Ag Lime Auction, Mega Raffle winners and the Young Women of the Year. The afternoon will be filled with the Motorbike Time Trials, Ute Challenge and Fireworks.
The Show is guaranteed to be jam packed with events, entertainment and plenty of things to do.