Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Business investing into business

Recent stories

Ali Bohn, The Koondrook and Barham Bridge Newspaper

Each week we are profiling local business owners who have made the decision to invest back into their business during a time when making any such financial decisions may seem very risky.

Curry on the Murray
Photo: The Koondrook and Barham Bridge Newspaper

With investments big or small, from undertaking a major renovation to adding a fresh coat of paint, these business owners are doing their bit to improve their productivity, services and availability so that our towns will continue to be the place locals love to call home and for tourists to refer to as their second home.

This week we are speaking with Christine & Brian D’Silva from Curry on the Murray.

It is with great excitement that we are pleased to report our community now has authentic Indian takeaway curry! That’s right, Christine and Brian D’Silva (along with their two children) have set up their very own Indian takeaway in Briar Street, Koondrook. Curry on the Murray had been a work in progress for the last 18 or so months and then along came COVID-19, which held things up slightly, but did not stop them from pushing forward with their dream. Proof that determination, combined with belief in this community and confidence in your product, far outweighs the risk of starting a new business.

Kid with curry
Photo: The Koondrook and Barham Bridge Newspaper

How long have you been owner of (your business)?

Testing started in September 2020 and opened to the public from the end of February 2021.

What enticed you initially to take on the business?

It was part of a whole tree change for us. We wanted to use the skills we had to build something of our own where we could make our own decisions and make a difference; and give the kids a better start in life by including them through the journey.

Did you have any specific goals for the business and have those goals been reached?

Support us – not there yet.

Give community variety and what they want – always working towards this.

Give us all a challenge and improve our lifestyle – we achieve this every day.

Some people would think you were crazy starting a new business during 2021, what do you say to that?

Curry on the Murray curry
Photo: The Koondrook and Barham Bridge Newspaper

Challenge brings opportunity, you just need to look for it and be prepared to modify what you do.

People always need food; it is just the format and the delivery system that changes.

What makes you passionate about this community?

They care and are invested in local business. They care about us, and we care about them – win, win!

Not many communities would give the support and encouragement that we have received from everyone. We couldn’t have gotten this far without that support, literally.

How do you see Barham–Koondrook in the next 12 months and beyond?

Still growing and still caring. Hopefully, we will see some new business come in so we can continue to make our twin towns a destination for people to come and enjoy our hospitality, food, drink and activities.

The Koondrook and Barham Bridge Newspaper 29 July 2021

This article appeared in The Koondrook and Barham Bridge Newspaper, 29 July 2021.


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