Lynne Mowbray, Clarence Valley Independent
Tributes have begun to flow after the tragic death on Saturday evening of Lawrence resident Bruce Green after a freak accident in Tamworth.

Photo: Lynne Mowbray
It is believed that Mr Green was attending an ABCRA Rodeo Roundup event at AELEC (Australian Equine and Livestock Events Centre) in Tamworth, at the time.
A statement which was release by the NSW Police Media on Sunday stated:
‘A report is being prepared for the information of the Coroner after a man died at a rodeo/campdraft at Tamworth overnight.
Emergency services were called to an event centre on Goonoo Goonoo Road, Tamworth, about 9.10pm (Saturday 23 January 2021), after a man was critically injured after being charged by a bull.
The man was treated at the scene by NSW Ambulance paramedics before being taken to Tamworth Rural Referral Hospital where he died.
The 62-year-old man is from Grafton.
Officers from Oxley Police District were notified and have commenced inquiries.’
As the following tributes will confirm, Bruce Green was a bit of a character; but he was the man who would get things done and was a tireless worker for the community.
The Lawrence cane and cattle farmer was a skilled horseman and was deeply entrenched in both the Grafton and Maclean Show Societies, campdrafts and the Lawrence Rodeo which has donated hundreds of thousands of dollars to community groups within the Clarence Valley, since its inception.
His passing will leave a big hole within the community and within the hearts of his family and friends.

Photo: Lynne Mowbray
In a tribute to his brother Bruce, Rex Green provided a statement to the Independent, on behalf of the family –
‘Bruce developed a love for Shows and rodeos at an early age with our family’s involvement in Grafton Show.
Our father was a committee member and dedicated exhibiter.
From my earliest memories Bruce would set his alarm for 2-45am on the first day of the show so he could start milking the dairy cows before anybody got to the dairy. The milking was finished by 5am, the truck loaded and off to the show with the dairy cattle and draught horses. After the events we went home for the afternoon milking and then returned to show for the night-time events.
This routine went on for the three days of the show.
On the second day of the Show, Bruce competed in the campdraft and sporting events and loved to watch the rodeo that often went past midnight.
On the last day of the Show, Bruce competed in the hack and riding classes on his pony. After these events were over the rodeo started, and this is where Bruce spent the rest of the show.
Bruce joined the Grafton Show committee in 1977 when he was 19. He was a dedicated member who you could always rely on to make sure things went to plan. He was always looking at ways to improve the Show.
Entertainment was his passion. He was the mastermind behind the local productions of The Man from Snowy River, The Kelly Gang and the Outback Show which he produced and directed with members of Maclean Society. These attractions were run at both Maclean and Grafton Shows.
Bruce’s contribution to the show movement was nothing short of outstanding, his dedication and contribution will be greatly missed by many.
The family is still in a state of shock with the sudden passing of Bruce. We all thought he was invincible. He is the second member of our family to be tragically taken with our older brother Greg being killed on the farm when he was 11 years old. Bruce has spent his whole life on the farm where has was a very dedicated farmer.
Bruce was a person who the whole family could rely on. I never heard him say no to any one’s request, (it was) just, “when do you need me?
He was a dedicated father who loved his five children and five grandchildren. His contribution and dedication to the whole family will be greatly missed.’
Rex Green

Photo: Lynne Mowbray
ABCRA – The Australian Bushmen’s Campdraft and Rodeo Association (released in a media post).
Last night, at the ABCRA Rodeo Roundup event at AELEC, a freak accident has claimed the life of Bruce Green (Greenie).
A long-time Member of the Board of the ABCRA, the most extraordinary Club Member of the Lawrence Rodeo Committee during which time he has given selflessly to his mates, his family, the sport of Rodeo and Campdraft, and the ABCRA.
Greenie has always ‘been there’, always part of the Rodeo, out there making it happen, never asking anything but always giving everything. A great bloke and a diamond in the rough. Generous in every way.
We are all in shock and deeply saddened. The Board and Members of the ABCRA extend our deepest sympathies to Bruce’s family and friends. We are holding you all close in our thoughts and wishing you moments of peace and comfort as we all reflect on the life and value of a wonderful fellow.
Greenie, you’ll be sadly missed by us all.
The Lawrence Rodeo Committee –
Bruce had a very strong community spirit – the amount of different committees he was a member of, reflects the amazing man he was.
Bruce has been a major part of The Lawrence Rodeo Committee (and has been president) from its establishment in 1982.
He selflessly purchased the original arena with his own money to help get the Rodeo started. Bruce was the man you went to with any problems and he’d get it sorted.
Bruce Green was a man whose vocabulary contained many profanities; but his heart was pure gold.
On behalf of The Lawrence Rodeo Committee, we would like to send our love and support to Bruce’s family. We are thinking of you all.
You will be dearly missed Greenie.
Maclean Show society –
Bruce Green joined the Maclean Show society in 1978 as part of the horse management team and became a life member in 2010.
He introduced The Man from Snowy River Show in 2001 which saved the Maclean Show and put us back on our feet.
He then introduced other similar shows, such as Ned Kelly and the Outback Spectacular show.
Without Bruce’s input, the show definitely wouldn’t be running today.
Bruce was always a man of his word and there will be big shoes that now have to be filled.
Our hearts and condolences go out to his family at this sad time.
Bruce’s presence and hard work will be greatly missed by the entire community.
He was a great man taken way too early, but he was doing exactly what he loved.
Bruce will be remembered for his hard work, passion, and giving it all he had. Cheers Bruce.
Former Lawrence Tavern owner and close friend John Hoy –
Bruce was the most fearless horse man I have ever seen. When we brought The Man from Snowy River to the Clarence Valley show circuit, it was only fitting that he had the starring role. This he cherished.
With this show he helped revive the Maclean and Grafton shows.
He was the “Lawrence Rodeo”, and he was the president.
Since 1982, charities have received close to a million dollars through his efforts. He lived for rodeo. He died doing something he loved.
He was a stalwart of the Maclean and Grafton shows, Lawrence Rodeo, Maclean campdraft, Maclean dog trials and a fierce advocate for the Maclean Showground.
His mode of operation was rude and blunt, but s…, he made things happen. RIP.
Stuart Ensbey – Lawrence (lifelong friend)
“We’ve known each other all our lives – best mates – I don’t know what to say. We both left school at 14. I’ve been working in the cane for 37 years and he’s been working on and off with me, all that time.
He did that much work for campdraft, rodeos and many sporting events and especially Maclean Showground. He put all his effort and time into that, not only at Maclean, but at Grafton. Every campdraft and every Show.
If you have to go out, at least he was enjoying something that he loved.
He’ll be sadly missed.
Member for Clarence – Chris Gulaptis MP –
I’m shocked and saddened.
Bruce was larger than life and he seemed indestructible.
Bruce called a spade a shovel but he was the genuine article. He was the most passionate country man I’ve ever met.
He was a rough diamond with a heart of gold who made an enormous contribution to his beloved Lower Clarence community.
He will be sorely missed and leave a big hole in our hearts. My condolences to his family.
President of the Clarence Canegrowers Association – Ross Farlow ‘It was very sad news to hear of the passing of Bruce Green.
Bruce worked tirelessly for the community.
The sugar industry sends our condolences to the Green family and all those close to Bruce.’
President Harwood Cricket Club – Tim McMahon
Brucey, EB, Man from Snowy River, or “I’ll tell you how this will work” –
Bruce will always be remembered as a great community member within the Clarence valley. He is probably the greatest fund raiser for different bodies within the Lower Clarence through his beloved Lawrence Rodeo.
Bruce has given years and years of service to the Lower Clarence Sports Council and while his passion was the showground, campdrafts, pony club and the Maclean Show, he was also supportive of all sports within the Lower Clarence and supported all applications put forward.
He always said, “If you have to go from A to C there was no need to waste time and money visiting B.”
Everyone will soon realise what he did for the community.
Clarence Valley Councillor and 2GF/104.7 Radio Announcer – Richie Williamson
What a sad day.
Bruce was a true community champion. He loved a rural life, the farm, the rural shows, he was the Lawrence rodeo – you wouldn’t know how much has been raised by the committee since 1982, the campdraft and of course our “Man from Snowy River”.
He loved a good story, a beer and the Bulldogs.
I’m in shock that he’s gone, a great man and great friend.
Robbie Sutherland (“Harrison”) – Vice-president of the Maclean Show Society and Maclean Campdraft Society –
Others have already spoken about Bruce’s involvement with the Maclean Show, so I won’t repeat it all.
We joined the Show Society about the same time so for 43 years we’ve been on the committee together and especially the last 35 years I don’t think you could have worked with a better committeeman. I’d say he’s the best committeeman I’ve ever worked with, for the fact that when he said he was going to do something, IT WOULD BE DONE. Whether he ruffled a few feathers along the way or not, he still would get it done.
One of his main features would have been that you could have a ding-dong argument with Bruce over something (which I had plenty) and five minutes later it was all over and done with and away you went again as nothing had ever happened.
The shows that he put on: The Man from Snowy River, Ned Kelly, Outback Spectacular, and the flag ride – with all of those events, there was one main instigator behind it and that was Bruce.
He had a happy knack of being able to organise people and make things happen.
I don’t know if a lot of these things will ever happen again, without him – he was just that sort of person.
It was a pleasure to work with him over all those years and I feel that I’m just going to be lost without having Bruce to lean on.
It was said on the Facebook post from the Maclean Show Society that Harrison is really going to miss him – and that was me. Harrison was my nickname since we performed the Man from Snowy River – Bruce was the ‘Man’ and I was Harrison.
Maclean Show Society president – Brian Ferrie
Bruce has done a lot for the Show Society for many years, but I remember the Show Society was going through a fairly tough time and back in the year 2000, when they ran the ‘Man from Snowy River’ at the Olympic Games, Bruce said, “we can do that”.
“So he got a group of guys together and they did that.
“I was speaking to a fellow at the show just after that and he said to me, “I saw this in Sydney, but it was nowhere as good as this,” he said.
“That was Bruce – and Bruce probably saved the show.
“Bruce was always behind everything.
“Sometimes you had to let him off the lead and then sometimes you’d have to rein him back in, but he was a great friend, a really hard worker and it’s pretty hard to imagine that Bruce is not with us anymore.
“It’s a very, very sad day. “He was a legend around the place, and it’s left a bloody big hole in the community,” he said.
This article appeared in the Clarence Valley Independent, 27 January 2021.